
  • 1、原来我的心有空隙,还留着你的记忆。
  • 2、珍爱一切的好办法是:意识到你可能会失去它。
  • 3、朋友说我疯了,我答:我本来就没正常过。
  • 4、Memories are still warm, but the commitment has been cooling.
  • 5、觉得在这个世界上,自己是最不重要的人。

  • 6、只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。
  • 7、Accustomed to the weak heart will gradually weak, accustomed to rely on will gradually forget how to rely on their own. Once the tear loses the potency, once into an isolated and helpless situation, if become weak how to protect themselves and their famil
  • 8、Which direction the wind blows, the grass is going to fall, I thought that I was a gust of wind, in fact, I am a grass, poor grass.
  • 9、我的世界只允许你的存在!
  • 10、Love is the eternal, the aspect may change, but not the essence.
  • 11、No measure of time with you will be long enough。
  • 12、Your emotions has nothing to do with me, your world and others。
  • 13、Love is kindness。 Love is patient。 Love is never have rest。
  • 14、I love to be loved by you 我愿意你爱我
  • 15、我不是不能原谅,只是没有信任的爱情就成了一幕荒诞剧。

  • 16、原来我的心有空隙,还留着你的记忆。
  • 17、无人能明白一生的伤和痛,不是时间能复原的,我只能保护那份记忆。
  • 18、My love for you will not give to others
  • People dramatically cross very thin line between life and death。
  • 19、People dramatically cross very thin line between life and death。
  • 20、I want to cherish me feel important、 我想要珍惜 我觉得重要的东西
  • 21、People are not afraid of death, but the most afraid of not knowing how to live.
  • 22、你淡然的说再见,只是我们再也不见。
  • 23、Happy, stop, rain, you turn and later in fall。
  • 24、Love is making you go bananas。
  • 25、我想对我说:I hate good, he is very good also

  • 26、风往哪个方向吹,草就往哪个方向倒,我原以为我是一阵风,其实我是一颗草,可怜的草。
  • 27、打扮的再美,穿的再昂贵,那只是个幌子,用善良做的外衣才是真的美。
  • 28、bitch is born a poser、 贱人就是矫情。
  • 29、一台单反,一个会拍照的爱人,一颗说走就走的心。
  • 30、Dress up and then the United States, wearing a more expensive, it is just a cover, with the kind of dress is really beautiful.
  • 31、Some people can be easily erased by time, like dust.
  • 我们抱着宁缺毋滥的态度,自由着,孤单着。
  • 32、我们抱着宁缺毋滥的态度,自由着,孤单着。
  • 33、You are not his girlfriend, he is a few sleep and he likes and you have no relationship with a dime.
  • 34、恋你,是一种温馨的悲哀,是一种浪漫的情怀,是一种柔美的姿态,更是一种想去说而又不得不说的喜爱!
  • 35、I forget, or you have not loved。

  • 36、有时候,我们爱上的不是他,而是回忆。
  • 37、人不怕死,但是最怕不知道怎么活。
  • 38、My world only allow your presence!
  • 39、只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。
  • 40、I'm just used to having you, and not without you.
  • 41、原来我的心有空隙,还留着你的记忆。
  • 42、There's her you, now you should be good!
  • 43、你又不是他女朋友,他几点睡和他喜欢谁和你一毛钱关系都没有。
  • 44、My heart has a gap, but also keep your memory.
  • 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。


  • 46、I am not can not forgive, but not the love of the trust has become an absurd drama.
  • 47、People are not afraid of death, but the most afraid of not knowing how to live.
  • 48、Close your eyes, and see yourself, you are clearly visible。
  • 49、听着别人的诉说,想起自己的难过。
  • 50、Feel that in this world, you are the most important person.
  • 51、我们抱着宁缺毋滥的态度,自由着,孤单着。