
  • 1、No words are necessary between two loving hearts、
  • 2、Do I myself, is the best show。
  • 3、两人相爱是,渴求无限甜蜜的吻。但为何在争吵时,却要用接吻的嘴互相伤害呢?每当我忧郁困惑,疲惫不堪时,我只能给自己一个吻。
  • 4、Wish everyone of you Merry Christmas °
  • 5、Give yourself a little confidence, give each other some trust, better than nothing.
  • 有没有试过回过头去看你跟一个人的聊天记录,从一开始到现在。
  • 6、有没有试过回过头去看你跟一个人的聊天记录,从一开始到现在。
  • 7、Feel the flame of a dream, feel the moment of dancing, when all the romance is far away, the eternity is still

  • 8、情人节就是和你手拉手从黑发走向银发的每一个日子。吻是我们的语言。
  • 9、没有期待的爱情不需等待,那是我们赌不起的未来。
  • 10、世界真的很小,好像一转身,就不知道会遇见谁。
  • 11、谢谢你的微笑,曾经慌乱过我的年华。
  • 12、临水而立,波光淋漓。此刻只想把你拥在怀中,与你静听流水清风的欢歌。
  • 13、你走了,带着我全部的爱走了,只是一句分手。我忍着眼泪看着你的背影,好想最后再抱你一次,好想再对你说一次我爱你。
  • 14、You just casually say, I was seriously sad.
  • 15、真的,异地恋连一个拥抱都是奢侈的。
  • 16、所有爱的苦都要自己承担,那是你自己种下的因种下的果,和别人没有关系,别人来关心来问,也只是隔靴搔痒。
  • 17、情人节就是和你手拉手从黑发走向银发的每一个日子。吻是我们的语言。

  • 18、Love is ultimately a shame, and endless loneliness.
  • 19、We believe, our future、(我们相信、我们的未来。)
  • 我愿意先颠沛流离,再遇见温暖的你。
  • 20、我愿意先颠沛流离,再遇见温暖的你。
  • 21、Do not push me, or I will let the sentence jesting come true、
  • 22、You are just a small wound, but at any time you touch at any time.
  • 23、临水而立,波光淋漓。此刻只想把你拥在怀中,与你静听流水清风的欢歌。
  • 24、你爱我,我会陪你;你不爱我,我给你自由。这就是傻傻的我,那个在乎你的我。
  • 25、不知什麽时後开始,我已学会依赖,你是一个可以让我依赖和休息的港湾!
  • 26、He is the sun, but how can the deep in the sun.
  • 27、Who are you yearn day and night of the pen youth, in the vast shortage of pedestrians in the city turned into a song.

  • 28、With a flower of the time, witness my most beautiful time.
  • 29、In the end, or not enough. How can you bear to leave me.
  • 30、我们曾经致命守护的爱情,最后还是徒有虚名一场。
  • 31、Why I still struggle in the memory, you have been a fairy tale.
  • 32、Why I still struggle in the memory, you have been a fairy tale.
  • 33、With a flower of the time, witness my most beautiful time.
  • 有些话,说与不说,都是伤害;有些人,留与不留,都会离开。
  • 34、有些话,说与不说,都是伤害;有些人,留与不留,都会离开。
  • 35、那首不完整的旋律,什么时候被你唱得淋漓尽致?
  • 36、I just like you, like to are afraid of it himself.
  • 37、他是太阳,可深海里又怎能照进阳光。

  • 38、That piece of the sky belongs to us, always is so beautiful.
  • 39、Who gave me the promise, and let me sad, but I still love him hell-bent.
  • 40、People are suffering, lies in the pursuit of the wrong things.
  • 41、撕心裂肺的挽回,不过是心有不甘的表现。
  • 42、我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。
  • 43、Used to have you, used to have you in the day. Let me go to the habit of disappearing every day, I can't do it.
  • 44、Used to have you, used to have you in the day. Let me go to the habit of disappearing every day, I can't do it.
  • 45、有些喜欢很简单,有些忘记也很艰难。
  • 46、I would like to be a single-cell organisms, heartless creature alive 我想做个单细胞生物,没心没肺的活着
  • 47、躲在万劫不复的街头、微笑参透覆水难收。

  • 48、◆◇ゝ追求那么痛苦my★love<<。
  • 49、From the moment that you have the heart to hurt me, I know how I feel. You must have never thought about it.
  • 50、不要慨叹世事不公,你失去的,只是一些不属于你的东西;你得到的,也都在渐渐地散失。一无所有才是我们最终的结局,不要忽略离我们最近的幸福。
  • 51、只要你需要我,我永远在你能看到的地方。
  • 52、The world is really small, like a turn around, you don't know who you will meet.
  • 53、Looking at the world through tears, I find that the whole world is crying.
  • 54、我愿意爱你,照顾你.保护你,一生一世。
  • 55、ChenTian Christine 你若爱看雪、我便爱看雪。
  • 56、用一朵花轮回的时间,见证我最美好的年华。
  • 57、晚安这两个简单的字,有谁能一天不落地对我说一辈子。

  • 58、爱情就像一场戏。戏演完了就结束了。