2023-03-07 01:53:09
- 1、每次都说‘滚!’你也不看地形上坡路我滚得上去?
- 2、不是所有人都等得过时间
- 3、Since I love you, I know the sweetness of love.
- 4、The more passionate, the more sincere, the more subtle.
- 5、I know there is a kind of result, there is no end without a response, that is me and you.
- 6、在爱的世界里,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。
- 7、不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。
- 8、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。
- 9、You can call me a beast, but you can't say I'm shameless, the beast is a dignified.
- 11、爱使我们有了距离,距离使我们爱得永久。
- 12、情只是一个字,但却没有谁真正能真正把它读懂的
- 13、爱情实话+爱情谎话=爱情神话。
- 14、Love is innocent, divine.
- 15、你如清风无归宿千丝情网揽不住.
- 16、日与月夏与冬你与我不可兼得
- 17、清理房间丢东西越来越狠得下心因为你会知道在后来能陪你的东西太少太少
- 18、我的人生一半是倒霉,另一半是处理倒霉的事。
- 19、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗?
20、Your words have been locked in my memory, the key you for me to keep a lifetime!
- 21、Love is not getting, but giving.
- 22、感情经不起比,一比比出寒碜;感情经不起推敲,一敲碎成片段。
- 23、Love is not getting, but giving.
- 24、Love is the second sun in nature.
- 25、Tears of love is the most touching.
- 26、Love and murder are always exposed.
- 27、失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
- 28、爱情就像两个拉橡皮筋的人,受伤的总是不愿放手的那一个!
- 29、Love + love lie = love myth.
- 31、Love is expressed by silence.
- 32、走走散散的人这么多何必委屈自己去难过
- 33、我的人生一半是倒霉,另一半是处理倒霉的事。
- 34、Sometimes life really makes people feel empty.
- 35、爱情是发生在两个人之间的一种共同的经验。
- 36、Happiness sometimes only need a step! The eye is not used to cry.
- 37、There is no true love, and only love at first sight.
- 38、Love has nothing to do with itself, but nothing but itself.
- 39、Hear something, obviously irrelevant, also will be in the hearts of several bends think of you.
40、Sex is exclusive to him.
- 41、不要轻易说爱,许下的诺言就是欠下的债。
- 42、爱情和谋杀一样,总是要暴露的。
- 43、Live well, just do not live up to their own lives.
- 44、金钱,地位都不如有个心爱的人在你旁边,不要等到失去了才后悔。
- 45、再变成最好的自己之前,对你的喜欢,不能说,也不能忘。
- 46、爱情是无邪的,神圣的。
- 47、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。
- 48、爱情是理想的一致,意志的融合。
- 49、每次都说‘滚!’你也不看地形上坡路我滚得上去?
- 51、对于你,我始终只能以陌生人的身份去怀念。
- 52、Forget and smile, stronger than remember and sad.
- 53、Hate can provoke a dispute, love, can cover all the fault.
- 54、Live well, not to live up to their lives.
- 55、你如清风无归宿千丝情网揽不住.
- 56、你感觉到隔膜,前提应该是你有沟通的愿望,你对那些你不曾想到要与之沟通的人是不会感觉到隔膜的。
- 57、人要老,似乎是一夜之间的事,更恐惧的是,完全无法想像他昨日的年轻,好像生来就这么老。
- 58、Love + love lie = love myth.