2023-03-28 15:18:26
- 1、We learned to cherish happiness in pain.
- 3、In front of true love, don't give up, even if you like of the person you are asked to give up.
- 4、Success is a process, not a result.
- 5、How much pressure you give others, others also give you much pressure!
- 6、Say it out is not bitter, said not to complain.
- 7、The regards shouldn't be so careful but it must be sincerely to be moved.
- 8、Success to say anything; Failed: don't mention anything.
- 9、什么叫作失败?失败是到达较佳境地的第一步。
- 10、Is the tide flooded into my mind, overflow eyes tears.
- 11、Success is a process, not a result.
- 13、能够岿然不动,坚持正见,度过难关的人是不多的。
- 14、理想和行动要结合起来,只说不行,要紧的是做。
- 15、Although the tongue soft, but sometimes it is greater than the power of the knife.
- 16、Adolescence is the search of the good times.
- 17、With love to do things, with gratitude.
- 18、待我成尘时,你将见我的微笑!
- 19、The original time has always been in, but we in flies.
- 20、人与人之间真诚关怀的力量叫做微笑。
- 21、时间带走一切,长年累月会把你的名字、外貌、性格、命运都改变。
- 23、一个钟头有六十分钟,一天就超过了一千分钟。明白这个道理后,就知道人可做出多少贡献。
- 24、Happiness, cherish what you have now live in the present moment is the best.
- 25、Between the person and the person sincere caring power called smile.
- 26、One foolish thought the prajnaparamita, namely, a read think prajna.
- 27、我不知道什么叫年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。
- 28、说出来的不是苦,说不出的才叫苦。
- 29、The golden age is in front of us, not behind us.
- 30、Treat me into dust, you will see my smile!
- 31、一分时间,一分成果。对科学工作者来说,就不是一天八小时,而是寸阴必珍,寸阳必争!
- 33、时间对于我来说是很宝贵的,用经济学的眼光看是一种财富。
- 34、山川满目泪沾衣,富贵荣华能几时。不见只今汾水上,唯有年年秋雁飞。
- 35、昨天只是今天的回忆,明天只是今天的梦。
- 36、In life, there is no forever pain, not in vain.
- 37、看景胜过听景,听景不如看景。
- 38、In all born with natural gifts, time is most precious.
- 39、时间就是能力等等发展的地盘。
- 40、想成事业,必须宝贵时间,充分利用时间。
- 41、Maybe miss the moment, is miss.
- 43、良好的习惯,如同一束鲜花。
- 44、丝染无复白,鬓白无重黑,努力爱青春,一失不再得。
- 45、In life, there is no forever pain, not in vain.
- 46、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。
- 47、Smile for too long, a cry of contact will also allow yourself to collapse.
- 48、Life in flash of gorgeous, in the ordinary real.
- 49、丢掉回忆的钥匙,记忆重新开始。
- 50、尽力做好一件事,实乃人生之首务。
- 51、事无巨细,藏隐患。人不远虑,有近忧!
- 53、爱情是以微笑开始,以吻生长,以泪结束。
- 54、知识是引导人生到光明与真实境界的灯烛。