
  • 1、Different Mid-Autumn blessing, happy hiding among them, don't go head-to-head with others, send my regards to quietly: reunion spectrum sweet dreams, a toast to celebrate the family strong wish Mid-Autumn good mood!
  • 2、祝福你朋友,今天是你的生日!愿你的今天充满快乐,愿你的明日辉煌灿烂!愿你许下的心愿都能够实现,愿你心中的梦想都成为现实际!生日快乐!宝宝,生日快乐,健康成长!
  • 3、Different Mid-Autumn blessing, happy hiding among them, don't go head-to-head with others, send my regards to quietly: reunion spectrum sweet dreams, a toast to celebrate the family strong wish Mid-Autumn good mood!
  • 4、愿你时时刻刻有快乐相伴,分分秒秒与好运缠绵,日日夜夜与安康为伴,年年岁岁有幸福开颜,朝朝暮暮有如意携腕。生日快乐,愿你常与开心做伴。儿子,生日快乐,学习进步!
  • 5、There are long clouds light poems, light poems are in the joy of continuous, the joy of continuous lightly, I have the greetings, a happy Mid-Autumn festival!
  • Sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasional water I placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you。
  • 6、Sound blessing for me to breeze transmission, whereas caring for the occasional water I placed, although not often rode together, but it always about you。
  • 7、生日快乐!让我为你祝福,让我为你欢笑,因为在你生日的今天,我的内心也跟你一样的欢腾、快乐!祝你,生日快乐!!

  • 8、不是每朵浪花都为海滩而来,不是每颗星星都为夜幕而来,不是每次细雨都为麦苗而来,但,你可爱的宝宝为你开心幸福而来!祝贺你!
  • 9、元宵到,祝福我先到,送礼太俗套,发条短信凑热闹,快乐长期把你骚扰,好运永远把你套牢,大把大把赚钞票,闲来无事偷着笑,烦恼都溜了,生活很美妙!
  • 10、我想抓个星星坐在月亮上,许下一个愿望对着你歌唱,看着那灯火鱼龙舞,猜不出迷底的你依然傻兮兮,好像和你在一起把红灯笼挂起!祝你元宵佳节快乐!
  • 11、月光无形,给人间的是一片浪漫;菊开无声,给大地的是缤纷色彩;我的祝福无言,给你的是情意一片:中秋快乐永远快乐!
  • 12、圣旨到:奉天承运,皇帝召曰:由于你去年生日欠我三毛钱至今未还,罚你三天不准拉屎,拉屎不准带纸,带纸不过三尺,直到憋死为止!钦此,领纸!
  • 13、十五的月亮圆圆又圆,愿你年画个优美的圆,以健康为圆心,以快乐为半径,平安是起点,幸福是终点,事事开心如圆梦想如圆元宵节快乐!
  • 14、月光无形,给人间的是一片浪漫;菊开无声,给大地的是缤纷色彩;我的祝福无言,给你的是情意一片:中秋快乐永远快乐!
  • 15、十五载春华秋实,十五年含辛茹苦。草长莺飞,变化的是你的成长与进步,不变的是我们浓的化不开的愛。
  • 16、明月清风寄相思!让月儿捎上我的祝福传递给你;让思念化作一缕轻风,柔柔的吻过你的脸!
  • 17、A year the moon Mid-Autumn festival beauty, water-like moonlight dream in smoke, twenty-four bridge moon night, happy together happy。 Mid-Autumn festival will come, I wish you a "month" to the happiness, "month" to the healthier, "

  • 18、月儿照九州,月饼解烦忧。尝一尝常开笑口,咬一咬好运拥有,瞧一瞧快乐牵手。闻一闻,幸福与你共白头。中秋愉快!
  • 猪,你的生日又到了,记得想我啊,据可靠消息称:想我可以强身健体,促进睡眠,增加食欲,财源广进!所以,为了你早日发大财,记得常想我哦!儿子,生日快乐,学习进步!
  • 19、猪,你的生日又到了,记得想我啊,据可靠消息称:想我可以强身健体,促进睡眠,增加食欲,财源广进!所以,为了你早日发大财,记得常想我哦!儿子,生日快乐,学习进步!
  • 20、一年明月中秋美,月光如水梦如烟,二十四桥明月夜,花好月圆喜相连。中秋将至,祝你月来越幸福,月来越健康,月来越快乐!
  • 21、Moonlight invisible to the human is a romantic; Chrysanthemum is silent, the earth is profusion colour; Blessing words, I give you is love a: a happy Mid-Autumn festival happiness forever!
  • 22、元芳,你妈妈喊你回家吃汤圆。你妈还让你别出门乱逛,奥特曼都回去团圆了,小心碰到怪兽抢你汤圆吃。嘿嘿。
  • 23、明月清风寄相思!让月儿捎上我的祝福传递给你;让思念化作一缕轻风,柔柔的吻过你的脸!
  • 24、Tangyuan full moon, I wish your family reunion! The official sources, wish your business be able! Popularity, good luck to you the geopolitical! Wish, wish your ideal day meant! I wish the Lantern Festival round like source margin!
  • 25、月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光默默的为你祝福。祝中秋节快乐!
  • 26、Moonlight invisible to the human is a romantic; Chrysanthemum is silent, the earth is profusion colour; Blessing words, I give you is love a: a happy Mid-Autumn festival happiness forever!
  • 27、孩子,愿你快快脱去幼稚和娇嫩,扬起创造的风帆,驶向成熟,驶向金色的海岸。

  • 28、中秋祝福各不同,幸福快意藏其中,不与他人去争锋,我的问候悄悄送:团圆温馨谱美梦,举杯同庆亲情浓,祝愿中秋好心情!
  • 29、Looking back more than 2013 impressions, low stock prices rise, the wenchuan earthquake hurt the heart, god seven flying dream, take a look at the bird's nest water cube, the five-star red flag fluttering, the earth's singing, I wish you a happy Lantern F
  • 30、Different Mid-Autumn blessing, happy hiding among them, don't go head-to-head with others, send my regards to quietly: reunion spectrum sweet dreams, a toast to celebrate the family strong wish Mid-Autumn good mood!
  • 31、I want to catch a star on the moon, make a wish on your singing, and watching the lights of fish dragon dance, couldn't guess the puzzle you still silly xi xi, seemed to hang up red lanterns with you! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!
  • 月圆年年相似,你我岁岁相盼。那满天的清辉,遍地水银,便是我们互倾的思念。
  • 32、月圆年年相似,你我岁岁相盼。那满天的清辉,遍地水银,便是我们互倾的思念。
  • 33、回首2013多感想,股票低迷物价涨,汶川地震把心伤,神七飞天创梦想,再看鸟巢水立方,五星红旗迎风扬,中华大地齐歌唱,祝你元宵节快乐又吉祥。
  • 34、孩子,你的到来点亮了我们的生命,为我们的生活赋予了全新的意义。以后也要开开心心哦,生日快乐。
  • 35、15 the moon is round and round, wish you New Year pictures a beautiful circle, centered on health, the radius is happiness, peace is the starting point, happiness is the end, everything is happy like the "circular" dream like "circle"
  • 36、风柔雨润花好月圆,幸福生活好甜!冬去春来似水如烟,一年中秋在眼前!流年不复返,人生须尽欢。中秋快乐!
  • 37、The month circle every year likeness, your my from year。 That all the pure, all over the place mercury, would be us with each other to remember fondly。

  • 38、In advance wish us these surface scenery heart wanders; Appearance is not old, the heart already vicissitudes of life; Accomplishment is difficult and often depressed; Than ant; Compared to the yue fei ZhongLiang brothers and sisters, happy Mid-Autumn fes
  • 39、In advance wish us these surface scenery heart wanders; Appearance is not old, the heart already vicissitudes of life; Accomplishment is difficult and often depressed; Than ant; Compared to the yue fei ZhongLiang brothers and sisters, happy Mid-Autumn fes
  • 40、Yuan fang, your mother call you go home to eat dumplings。 Your mother also let you don't go around, the Ottoman back to reunion, careful met monster you eat dumplings。 Hey hey。
  • 41、品尝着汤圆,按动着键盘,发送着祝福。彼此拉着手,拿着灯笼,逛着花街,看着满天,璀灿烟火,激动的心情蔓延,愿彼端的你元宵愉快!
  • 42、中秋夜,月光光,家家户户赏月忙。吃月饼,分蛋黄,一家老少齐团圆。祝中秋佳节,月圆人团圆!
  • 43、The sky stars shine, colorful lights。 Colorful happy mystery myriad, in the heart of blessing。 A pot of tangyuan smooth, mellow sweet soup in a bowl。 Happy reunion unceasingly, the sincere regards。 Happy Lantern Festival!
  • 44、用童音唱歌,甜蜜快乐;带童趣生活,温馨和谐;用童心待人,友谊纯真;用童真处事,事事顺利。生日,愿你童心不泯,童真长存!
  • 愿你的每一天都如画一样的美丽!生日快乐!
  • 45、愿你的每一天都如画一样的美丽!生日快乐!
  • 46、你那宽厚有力的肩膀为我依靠,从此我不再胆怯;你用你坚强有力的臂膊将我紧紧环拥,从此我的世界变的温暖,今天是你多年后出生的那一天,老公生日快乐!宝宝,生日快乐,健康成长!
  • 47、I want to catch a star on the moon, make a wish on your singing, and watching the lights of fish dragon dance, couldn't guess the puzzle you still silly xi xi, seemed to hang up red lanterns with you! I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

  • 48、月缺时我想你,月圆时我念你,无论月圆月缺,我的心如那恒古不变的月光默默的为你祝福。祝中秋节快乐!
  • 49、海天一色庆元宵,想念时刻静悄悄,祝福缓缓起浪涛,给你问候荡最高,且把关怀挂树梢,但求幸福为你俏,元宵到,衷心祝愿你节日快乐,前途看好。
  • 50、The month circle every year likeness, your my from year。 That all the pure, all over the place mercury, would be us with each other to remember fondly。
  • 51、15 the moon is round and round, wish you New Year pictures a beautiful circle, centered on health, the radius is happiness, peace is the starting point, happiness is the end, everything is happy like the "circular" dream like "circle"