That was a time when, we keep the lonely wounded badly

  • 1、我们说好不哭,戴起美丽的面具,一脸冷漠超越生与死的恐惧和意念。
  • 2、This world is very small, so we met. The world is big, it's hard to see goodbye.
  • 3、窗外的花开了,有风吹进来,几瓣落在了床头柜,几瓣落在洁白的床单上,落在手边,把夏天夹在手帐里,夹在关于你的那一页。
  • 4、滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。
  • 5、人急忘羞,狗急眺墙。
  • 当风筝厌倦了天空,是否就会义无返顾的坠入大海?
  • 6、当风筝厌倦了天空,是否就会义无返顾的坠入大海?
  • 7、但又不希望你向别人请教余生

  • 8、Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Change can be changed, accept can not be changed.
  • 9、我们说好不哭,戴起美丽的面具,一脸冷漠超越生与死的恐惧和意念。
  • 10、这个世界很小,我们就这样遇见。这个世界很大,分开就很难再见。
  • 11、The last of the last, or your good, and I always a person.
  • 12、As if to meet the equator in the equator, the despair of love is trembling.
  • 13、你有你的过往.我做你的远方
  • 14、也许爱情只是因为寂寞。需要找一个人来爱。即使没有任何结局。
  • 15、Petunias need a petunia nose and snakes seven inches.
  • 16、Don't waste your new tears for the old sorrow.
  • 17、“世间不如意事常八九,可与人言无二三”

  • 18、As if to meet the equator in the equator, the despair of love is trembling.
  • 19、Carve every aspect of you in your mind so that you can remember it effortlessly in the future.
  • Carve every aspect of you in your mind so that you can remember it effortlessly in the future.
  • 20、Carve every aspect of you in your mind so that you can remember it effortlessly in the future.
  • 21、人要脸,树要皮,不要脸的没法治。
  • 22、十红莲即将绽放,双星终会汇聚,命运的转轮已经开始,请您耐心地等待。
  • 23、不是圣人七情六欲怎会独善其身
  • 24、If you start to miss me, remember, I didn't walk away. You let me go.
  • 25、People want face, trees want bark, there is no rule to face.
  • 26、The grace of dripping water should be reported by the gushing spring.
  • 27、所有的是是非非都要独自面对,眼泪滴进了水杯,充满药水旳苦味,无言以对。

  • 28、拥有忧伤,珍视忧伤,人生路上,情感定会丰富多彩,生活定会精致而美丽!真的,有时,忧伤也是我独坐的四角天地,静享份安宁,指尖流淌着如烟的思绪,沉醉在那些不曾忘却的往事中,恍如隔世。
  • 29、你像是秋日里,穿过渐渐泛黄的树叶撒下来的光,是温暖也是温柔。
  • 30、要想感冒少,常洗冷水澡。
  • 31、Maybe one day, you look back, and I have long, not in that intersection.
  • 32、The heart of a man should be solid, but the heart of fire should be empty.
  • 33、你有你的过往.我做你的远方
  • 我一看到他,就喜欢的自己姓什么都忘记了。
  • 34、我一看到他,就喜欢的自己姓什么都忘记了。
  • 35、Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Change can be changed, accept can not be changed.
  • 36、日落东风止,不止必转南,不转是雨天。
  • 37、但是,总不能流血就喊痛,怕黑就开灯,想念就联系。

  • 38、日落东风止,不止必转南,不转是雨天。
  • 39、不论最后和你在一起的是谁,都要一生一世的幸福
  • 40、This time the play is not the same scene, will not change the script so arbitrary.
  • 41、If you want to live and be happy, you have to work hard.
  • 42、如果你开始想念我,记住了,不是我自己要走的,是你自己松手的。
  • 43、There are villains in the door and villains outside.
  • 44、Hard sleepers become lazy, lazy sleepers become sick.
  • 45、我就像一个你不要的物品随手扔在一边我又何苦去纠缠着一个不在乎我的人
  • 46、The heart of a man should be solid, but the heart of fire should be empty.
  • 47、I stubbornly reluctant to yield, but also only the scars.

    You are like the light that falls through the yellowing leaves in autumn. It's warm and gentle.
  • 48、You are like the light that falls through the yellowing leaves in autumn. It's warm and gentle.
  • 49、寒假作业就是:你写一个月,老师写一个阅。
  • 50、Don't make a hairless cattle, don't ride a horse without a fork.
  • 51、每天只是打打电话重复那几句话、我根本没法猜测你心里面的想法。
  • 52、不要为旧的悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。
  • 53、日落东风止,不止必转南,不转是雨天。
  • 54、你用谎言去验证谎言,得到的一定是谎言。
  • 55、Three hundred and sixty rows, row out the first prize.
  • 56、宁可折断骨头,不可背弃信念。
  • 57、你有你的过往.我做你的远方
