Once thought that our love will be a long time Please forgive me I can not accompany you to the end

  • 1、Do you like a person, like you haven't given up yet.
  • 2、她是左撇子,我们吃饭都可以手牵手!
  • 3、Is not that I don't love you, but I can not love you.

  • 4、俄为迩抛弃一切,换来一句祝迩比俄幸福。
  • 5、Love dragged me to this side, and reason pulled me over there.
  • 因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。
  • 6、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。
  • 7、亲爱的、亲爱的,我只想让你一直叫下去。
  • 8、幸福是当我失落,你像天使给我快乐。
  • 9、路是自己走出来的,没有什么后悔的理由。
  • 10、Forever too long, love you to the day I leave the world.
  • 11、美丽是幸福的,幸福是花,也是叶子。
  • 12、Because of love, so compassion; because of understanding, so tolerance.
  • 13、Being hurt by the truth is better than comforted by the lies.

  • 14、长相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能长相知。
  • 15、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。
  • 16、心疼你是颗会痛的石头想要抱住你却混乱沉默
  • 17、Because of you, I know how to grow, but you are still my injury.
  • 18、走了这么久,发现唯一靠的住的还是自己。
  • 19、十我愿意陪着你疯,陪着你笑,陪着你哭,陪着你上天不给我的,无论我十指怎样紧扣,仍然走漏;给我的,无论过去我怎么失手,都会拥有。
  • 对不起不是我不爱你是我配不上你
  • 20、对不起不是我不爱你是我配不上你
  • 21、亲爱的、亲爱的,我只想让你一直叫下去。
  • 22、Dear, dear, I just want you to keep calling.
  • 23、我怕黑时你在哪

  • 24、路是自己走出来的,没有什么后悔的理由。
  • 25、有时候就连独自一人我也嫌人太多
  • 26、这一生我只牵你的手,因为今生有你早已足够。
  • 27、你若安好,便是晴天,你若幸福,便是终点。
  • 28、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。
  • 29、Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
  • 30、Life has a back, lose what can not lose the mood.
  • 31、我允许你在我的世界里走来走去,但不允许你在我的世界里跑来跑去
  • 32、As long as she shouted her daughter-in-law, she would have to take his life to cherish it.
  • 33、十阳光下漫天飞舞的蝴蝶,可曾让你记得那追逐嬉戏的岁月?天真的笑脸好似花儿,引得蝴蝶流连忘返!儿童节到来之际,愿你永驻花般笑颜!儿童节快乐!

    Beauty is happiness, happiness is flower, but also leaves.
  • 34、Beauty is happiness, happiness is flower, but also leaves.
  • 35、爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。
  • 36、路是自己走出来的,没有什么后悔的理由。
  • 37、And you think that love is only,For the lucky and the strong.
  • 38、你是不是喜欢一个人,喜欢到现在都还没放弃。
  • 39、总是需要你去委曲求全的感情都该趁早了断
  • 40、不喜欢主动是因为害怕到最后演变成自作多情
  • 41、总是需要你去委曲求全的感情都该趁早了断
  • 42、The sweet time I've had with you, I'll never forget it all my life.
  • 43、你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你!

  • 44、后来你只活在我的记忆里
  • 45、遇到可爱的人生活一下子不艰难了街道也好晚风也罢都很甜​​​
  • 46、Promise, sometimes, is what a cheater said to a fool.
  • 47、If you are young, don't make yourself an old and weak look all day.
  • Love dragged me to this side, and reason pulled me over there.
  • 48、Love dragged me to this side, and reason pulled me over there.
  • 49、爱人不要爱太深,是人都要留三分.
  • 50、When the day is clear, maybe I will love you again.
  • 51、Too much commitment to slip away from the fingers dare ask what.
  • 52、Forever too long, love you to the day I leave the world.
  • 53、All endings are beginnings, we just don't know it at the time.-Mitch Albom

  • 54、The man was so rude that he didn't talk to me in class.
  • 55、If love is the representative of the happiness, that what is happiness.
  • 56、All endings are beginnings, we just don't know it at the time.-Mitch Albom
  • 57、因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。