
  • 1、不笑补,不笑破,只笑日子不会过。
  • 2、背后不商量,当面无主张。
  • 3、擦肩而过,你我,并不是属于彼此的,无所谓的珍重与再见,无所谓的感受与苦涩已化作尘埃飘过,我们该珍惜现在。
  • 4、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。
  • 5、有一种幸福叫平淡,有一种快乐叫相守,有一种思念是对你永远的关怀,不管在哪样的生命,你总是我最在乎的最爱!
  • 如果没有找到合适的雨伞,我宁愿一直淋雨。
  • 6、如果没有找到合适的雨伞,我宁愿一直淋雨。
  • 7、Gluttony and sleepiness make you sick and younger.
  • 8、Time is the best doctor and the worst beautician.
  • 9、Sometimes, we are not out of the pain, but it is learned to live with the pain.
  • 10、There is no place to look for. It takes no effort.

  • 11、爱情和谋杀一样,总是要暴露的。
  • 12、时间是最好的医生,也是最差的美容师。
  • 13、我最骄傲的,那就是爱上了一个应该去爱的人。
  • 14、别期待他是完美的。没人是完美的。
  • 15、We put down self-esteem, pride, headstrong down, because we do not put a person.
  • 16、边学边问,才有学问。
  • 17、真挚恋爱过的心永不忘却。
  • 18、Weakness deceives, strength deceives.
  • 19、珍惜身体,多锻炼,早睡早起,不停学习,不停旅行,即使腿脚未在路上,也要让心在路上。
  • 不要因为它的结束而哭,应当因为它的发生而笑。


  • 21、丝不织不成网,体不练不强壮。
  • 22、Would rather smile tears, also don't cry to say sorry.
  • 23、Monks don't say ghosts. There is no rice in the bag.
  • 24、Have to admit that we are more like to listen to lies, even if already know the truth.
  • 25、Happiness is a comparison, but not with others, but with their own unhappy comparison. As long as a person experienced rotten day, will really appreciate happiness.
  • 26、如果没有找到合适的雨伞,我宁愿一直淋雨。
  • 27、不相信永远,不拥有期待,也不需要诺言。
  • 28、说什么永不相忘,时间久了就什么都忘了。
  • 29、不怕不知味,就怕后反劲。
  • 30、边学边问,才有学问。

  • 31、A gentleman cares about the way but not the poor.
  • 32、主动,是因为在乎,不联系,是因为觉得自己多余。
  • 33、丝不织不成网,体不练不强壮。
  • 和尚不说鬼,袋里没有米。
  • 34、和尚不说鬼,袋里没有米。
  • 35、Wherever you go, I'll be behind you.
  • 36、Nothing can't go, I don't believe in happiness, I believe you.
  • 37、Silk cannot be woven into a net, and the body cannot be strong without practice.
  • 38、灵魂与自己,一个庸俗一个麻木找不到救赎。
  • 39、Love old hands, often do not easily talk about the result of love!
  • 40、Willing to go down to the dust, in order to be able to open flowers.

  • 41、Stumbling along the way, someone to leave, we are all in the orgy.
  • 42、即使在你最失魂落魄的时候,也要努力微笑,也许,会有人,因为你带着落寞的笑容而爱上你。
  • 43、如果有一天,你穿上西服,成为别人的新郎,我闭口不提,曾经的疯狂。如果有一天,我穿上婚纱,成为别人的新娘,嫁给你,依然是我最初的梦想。
  • 44、Articles are written at the same time, songs and poems are written at the same time.
  • 45、爱情从爱情中来。
  • 46、每天早上醒来,看见你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来。
  • 47、但是,酒在肚子里,事在心里,中间总好象隔着一层,无论喝多少酒,都淹不到心上去。
  • Happy to share, difficult to share.
  • 48、Happy to share, difficult to share.
  • 49、Drought blows east wind without rain, waterlogging blows east wind without sky.
  • 50、自己哭自己笑自己看着自己闹。

  • 51、Silk cannot be woven into a net, and the body cannot be strong without practice.
  • 52、Unlucky, empty have a talent in the world, Yihong Casely, into worlds of Acacia, when to meet again, peach blossom still, people have been beyond recognition.
  • 53、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。
  • 54、Time will abandon those funny oath, until we also agree.
  • 55、我们的爱情就是一个脚本,有始有终,即便我们一起去努力,也无法改变这个脚本,我们是演员,不是导演或者编剧,跟我谈一场,有时限的恋爱。
  • 56、在什么都不确定的年代,我们总是爱得太早、放弃得太快,轻易付出承诺,又不想等待结果。