
  • 1、Jake Sully:Then teach me how to see、
  • 2、杰克•萨利:谢谢
  • 3、[奈缇丽甩出了她的弓]
  • 4、杰克萨利:嘿,等一下,你去哪,等等,等等,慢点,我只想谢谢你杀了那怪物。
  • 5、Neytiri:[Ignores him and speaks in Na'vi]
  • Jake Sully:One life ends,another begins、
  • 6、Jake Sully:One life ends,another begins、
  • 7、There's no such things an ex-Marine、You may be out,but you never lose the attitude、
  • 8、Neytiri:Eywa has heard you、、、Eywa has heard you!

  • 9、Neytiri:First flight seals the bond、You cannot wait、
  • 10、Dr、Max Patel:Grace,this is Jake Sully、
  • 11、奈缇丽:你就像一个孩子乱嚷嚷,根本不知道该做什么
  • 12、奈缇丽:没人能教会你。
  • 13、奈缇丽:都是你的错,它们本来不用死的。
  • 14、奈缇丽:因为你有一颗坚强的心,无所畏惧。但是很愚蠢,像个孩子。
  • 15、奈缇丽:是你的错!当然是你的错!
  • 16、Neytiri:[Speaks in Na'vi]
  • 17、Jake Sully:Fine、If you loved your little forest friends、、、why not let them kill me?What's the thinking?
  • 18、杰克•萨利:我想你可能不明白我在说什么,但是谢谢你。

  • 19、Jake Sully:Yeah,why save me?
  • 20、Jake Sully:Thank you、
  • 21、杰克•萨利:是的,为什么救我?
  • 22、Jake Sully:Okay,okay、I'm sorry、Whatever I did,I'm sorry、
  • Neytiri:You have a strong heart、No fear、But stupid!Ignorant like a child!
  • 23、Neytiri:You have a strong heart、No fear、But stupid!Ignorant like a child!
  • 24、[Neytiri hits him with her bow]
  • 25、杰克•萨利:我的错?是他们先攻击我,怎么会是我的错?
  • 26、Jake Sully:That was pretty impressive、I would have been screwed if you hadn't come along、
  • 27、Jake Sully:Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I couldn't do、
  • 28、Neytiri:Don't thank、You don't thank for this!This is sad、Very sad only、

  • 29、Neytiri:No one can teach you to see、
  • 30、Jake Sully:Easy、Easy、、、
  • 31、Neytiri:To become"taronyu",hunter,you must choose your own Ikran and he must also choose you、
  • 32、Neytiri:This is shahaylu the bond、Feel her heartbeat,her breath、Feel her strong legs、
  • 33、Dr、Grace Augustine:So you just figured you'd come here,to the most hostile environment known to men,with no training of any kind,and see how it went?What was going through your head?
  • 34、Neytiri:Sky People can not learn,you do not see、
  • 35、Dr、Grace Augustine:Parker、You know,I used to think it was benign neglect,but now I see that you are intentionally screwing me、
  • 36、杰克•萨利:好,好吧,如果你那么喜欢你的那些森林朋友,你为什么不让它们杀了我?你是怎么想的?
  • 37、Dr、Grace Augustine:Just relax and let your mind go blank、That shouldn't be too hard for you、
  • 38、Jake Sully:Look,I know you probably don't undertstand this、、、but,thank you、

  • 39、Jake Sully:And I'm probably just talking to a tree right now、But if you're there--I need to give you a heads up、If Grace is there with you--look in her memories--she can show you the world we come from、There's no green there、They killed their
  • Neytiri:Your fault!Your fault、
  • 40、Neytiri:Your fault!Your fault、
  • 41、[Neytiri walks away and Jake follows after her]
  • 42、杰克•萨利:你真的很厉害,如果你不来我可能已经死了。
  • 43、Dr、Grace Augustine:Don't shoot!Don't shoot、You'll piss him off、
  • 44、杰克•萨利:别激动别激动
  • 45、Neytiri:You are Omaticaya now、You may make your bow from the wood of Hometree、And you may choose a woman、We have many fine women、Ninat is the best singer、
  • 46、Jake Sully:[Making a video log]Do I have to do this now?
  • 47、[奈缇丽丢下他就走,杰克跟着她]
  • 48、I was a warrior who dreamed he could bring peace、Sooner or later though,you always have to wake up、

  • 49、Dr、Max Patel:Jake!Listen to me!You're not used to your avatar body、This is dangerous!
  • 50、杰克•萨利:如果我是一个孩子,你应该管教我。
  • 51、杰克•萨利:那就叫我领悟。
  • 52、奈缇丽:这些是你们学不来的,外星人无法领悟
  • 53、Jake Sully:Neytiri calls me skxawng、It means"moron、"
  • 54、奈缇丽:[不理杰克继续祷告]
  • 55、[奈缇丽再次走开,杰克跟在她后面]
  • 56、奈缇丽:为什么救你?
  • Neytiri:Why save you?
  • 57、Neytiri:Why save you?
  • 58、Jake Sully:Well,if I'm like a child,then maybe you should teach me、

  • 59、Neytiri:All this is your fault、They did not need to die、
  • 60、杰克•萨利:好吧,对不起,我对我的行为感到抱歉
  • 61、Jake Sully:Hey,wait a second!Where are you going?Wait up!Just,hey,slow down!I just wanted to say thanks for killing those things、、、
  • 62、奈缇丽:[不理杰克继续祷告]
  • 63、奈缇丽:不要说谢谢,不要因为这件事说谢谢,这太可悲了,非常可悲。
  • 64、[Neytiri stands up and leaves、Jake follows her]
  • 65、Jake Sully:My fault?They attacked me!How am I the bad guy?
  • 66、Col、Quaritch:That is one big damn tree!
  • 67、Neytiri:You are like a baby、Making noise,don't know what to do、
  • 68、Dr、Grace Augustine:[to Wainfleet]Stay with the ship、One idiot with a gun is enough、
