
    1、Only when something of value to make the purpose of their lives have value。只有在以某种有价值的东西做目的时,性命才有价值。

  • 2、History taught us is that people never know learn the lessons of history。历史给我们的教训是,人们从来都不知道汲取历史的教训。
  • 3、A crime is also thought villain greater miracle than heaven, more sublime。一个恶徒的犯罪思想也比天堂里的奇迹更伟大,更崇高。
  • 4、If there is no passion, no great cause in the world will not succeed。假如没有热情,世界上任何伟大的事业都不会成功。
  • 5、Only those who never look up to high altitude lying in the pit, and will not again fall into a pit。只有那些躺在坑里从不仰望高空的人,才不会再掉进坑里。
  • To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties。所谓结婚,就是自愿将自身权利减半,将自身责任加倍。
  • 6、To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties。所谓结婚,就是自愿将自身权利减半,将自身责任加倍。
  • 7、Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see。天才完成别人完成不了的目标;鬼才完成别人想都想不到的目标。
  • 8、The thing itself can not change,but the change only is the people's feeling。事物本身是不变的,变的只是人的感觉!
  • 9、Owl bird of wisdom, in the twilight of civilization began to take off。智慧之鸟的猫头鹰,在文明的暮色中才开始起飞。
  • 10、Hey, buddy, I said, hey, man I say, not what benefits might exist。嘿,哥们,我说,嘿,哥们我说,没有好处的怎样可能存在。
  • 11、A nation there is a group of people looking at the stars, they have hope。一个民族有一群仰望星空的人,他们才有希望。

  • 12、Marriage is essentially ethical relationship。 Marriage is the ethics of love have legal significance。婚姻实质上是伦理关系。婚姻是具有法定意义的伦理性的爱。
  • 13、Lying in the mud only people forever, it will not again fall into a pit。只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。
  • We can assert that there is no passion, no great cause will not be completed。我们可以断言,没有**,任何伟大的事业都不能完成。
  • 14、We can assert that there is no passion, no great cause will not be completed。我们可以断言,没有**,任何伟大的事业都不能完成。
  • 15、Any reasonable are there, all existence is reasonable。凡是合理的都是存在的,凡是存在的都是合理的。
  • 16、Personality like white, once contaminated, will never again, as previously white。个性像白纸,一经污染,便永不能再如以前洁白。
  • 17、Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed。务必牢记,只要翻过山头,你就可以走得更快了!
  • 18、People should respect himself, and should be able noblest thing worthy of self-regard。人应尊敬他自己,并应自视能配得上最高尚的东西。
  • 19、Ignorant is not free, because of his opposition is a strange world。无知者是不自由的,正因和他对立的是一个陌生的世界。
  • 20、Only those who are lying in the pit, never looking high, it will not have the light of day。只有那些躺在坑里、从不仰望高处的人,才会没有出头之日。
  • 21、Obtained from human history lesson is: never remember the lessons of history of mankind。人类从历史中所得到的教训就是:人类从来不记取历史教训。

    Just like in pure darkness as in pure light, not see anything。在纯粹光明中就像在纯粹黑暗中一样,看不清什么东西。
  • 22、Just like in pure darkness as in pure light, not see anything。在纯粹光明中就像在纯粹黑暗中一样,看不清什么东西。
  • 23、A gray memories, how can we compete now vivid and freedom。一个灰色的回忆,怎能抗衡现在的生动与自由。
  • 24、Ordinary people merely think how they shall spend their time;a man of talent tries to use it。普通人只想到如何度过时间,有才能的人设法利用时间。
  • 25、A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times 。A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight。一定的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的。一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。
  • 26、There are some valuable things as its target, the life worthwhile。有一些宝贵的东西作为它的目标时,生活才有价值。
  • 27、It is a curious fact that in bad days we can very vividly recall the good time that is now no more; but that in good days we have only a very cold and imperfect memory of the bad。奇怪得很,人们在倒楣的时候,总会清晰地回忆已经逝去快乐时光,但是在得意的时候,对恶运时光只保有一种淡漠而不完全的记忆。
  • 28、In front of this unique powers, nothing can maintain an independent existence。在这唯一的权力面前,没有东西能够维持一种独立的生存。
  • 29、A truly beautiful soul has always a difference, and is a real person。一个拥有真正美的心灵总是有所作为的,并且是一个实实在在的人。
  • Tips and loved ones long-term coexistence is: put down the idea of changing the subject。与所爱的人长期相处的秘诀是:放下改变对象的念头。
  • 30、Tips and loved ones long-term coexistence is: put down the idea of changing the subject。与所爱的人长期相处的秘诀是:放下改变对象的念头。
  • 31、Numbness and apathy of the people, is the most solid mass foundation autocracy。麻木而冷漠的民众,是专制政体最稳固的群众基础。

  • 32、Ethnic not exist for the country, the nation is created by the state。民族不是为了国家而存在的,民族是由国家创造的。
  • 33、If the music is flowing architecture, that building is frozen music。如果说音乐是流动的建筑,那建筑物则是凝固的音乐。