
  • 1、在所有人当中,儿童的想象力最丰富。
  • 2、Combined to produce wisdom mind and nature, and to have an imagination
  • 3、I think I can be your concern, originally is my imagination too rich
  • 4、很真相相比,我对真相太缺乏想象力。
  • 5、你一定不会想到你所具有的想象力早已远远的超出你的想象力。
  • Not imagination enthusiasm can make the person become a fanatic
  • 6、Not imagination enthusiasm can make the person become a fanatic
  • 7、在这一世界中,想象力有多大,天地就有多辽阔。
  • 8、我以为我会是你的特别关心,原来还是我的想象力太丰富。
  • 9、Passion mostly comes from the illusion Without imagination, the charm of love will be very small
  • 10、The poet's imagination dominate the degree of reality, in the final analysis, is a precise measure of his value and dignity

  • 11、心灵与自然相结合才能产生智慧,才能产生想象力。
  • 12、没有想象力的热情会使人成为狂热分子。
  • 13、诗人的想象力支配现实的程度,说到底,是衡量他的价值和尊严的精确尺度。
  • 14、Will, understanding, imagination and everything feels, by thinking
  • 15、**大都来自于幻觉。如果不借助想象力,爱情的魅力便会很小。
  • The most abundant, of all people, the child's imagination
  • 16、The most abundant, of all people, the child's imagination
  • 17、意志、悟性、想象力以及感觉上的一切作用,全由思维而来。
  • 18、Is the gentleman won't care about women play a boundless imagination
  • 19、Comparing is the truth, I'm too lack of imagination for the truth
  • 20、You must not think of what you have imagination already far beyond your imagination

  • 21、是绅士就不会计较女人发挥无穷的想象力。
  • 22、In this world, how much imagination, heaven and earth is vast