
  • 1、事实上一切教育归根结蒂都是为了培养人的良好习惯。
  • 2、学生的需求,咱们不懈的追求。

  • 3、你不能控制他们,但你可以掌握自已。
  • 4、用宽容对待过失,用洁眸透视心灵。
  • 5、Trust students, tolerate students, appreciate the student, your education can create the miracle
  • To respond, is the big of the pew and auxiliary differential
  • 6、To respond, is the big of the pew and auxiliary differential
  • 7、Respect for children, don't jump, or good or bad for children
  • 8、幼教事业是一座大花园,教师的奉献就是其中最美丽的花。
  • 9、用心对待每个孩子,用诚对待每位家长。
  • 10、教育的技巧在于教师如何释放对孩子的爱。
  • 11、Love is the key to communication mind, may I love always accompany the children healthy growth
  • 12、Plum garden wheatgrass, loyal hearted to write in the future!

  • 13、You can't control them, but you can master yourself
  • 14、播种希望,收获明天!
  • 15、View and take about, who is thin hair
  • 16、Intention to treat each child, with sincere to treat each parent
  • 17、The communication is more than knowledge transfer of the mind
  • 18、Attentively focus on the child, the heart to accept children, truly absorbed children
  • 桃李满园竞芳菲,碧血丹心写未来!
  • 19、桃李满园竞芳菲,碧血丹心写未来!
  • 20、信任学生,宽容学生,欣赏学生,你的教育能创造奇迹。
  • 21、Fate is determined by the rope is in our own hands
  • 22、引导学生以探索的眼光去思考,那学习的过程是快乐的。

  • 23、The children liberated from "sanwei bookroom", return the herbals "to children
  • 24、认认真真工作,老老实实做人。
  • 25、In the mind to smell the fragrance of life
  • 26、Sow hope, harvest tomorrow!
  • 27、The needs of students, let's unremitting pursuit
  • 28、晓之以理,动之以情,乃培优辅差之大策也。
  • 29、要给学生一杯水,自己要有一桶水。
  • 30、Education is to form a person's character
  • 31、将儿童从三味书屋中解放出来,把百草园还给儿童。
  • Life is simple, to study hard, be honest, be sincere to people

    32、Life is simple, to study hard, be honest, be sincere to people

  • 33、爱是沟通心灵的钥匙,愿我的爱心时时伴随孩子健康成长。
  • 34、多一份赏识,就多一份成功的期望。
  • 35、生活要朴素,学习要努力,做人要坦诚,对人要真诚。
  • 36、尊重儿童,不要急于对儿童作出或好或坏的评价。
  • 37、教师是孩子的镜子,孩子是老师的影子。
  • 38、心灵的沟通胜于知识传递。
  • 39、Education skill lies in teachers how to release the love of children
  • 40、Teacher is the mirror of the child, the child is the shadow of the teacher
  • 41、To give students a glass of water, I must have a bucket of water
  • 42、In fact all education ultimately is to cultivate people's habits

  • 43、Guide students to explore the eyes to think, the learning process is happy
  • 44、博观而约取,厚积而薄发。
  • More appreciated, means more than a hope of success
  • 45、More appreciated, means more than a hope of success
  • 46、With fault tolerance, with pure eyes see through the mind
  • 47、投入心灵才能闻到生命的醇香。
  • 48、Conscientious work, an honest man
  • 49、Preschool education career is a big garden, dedication is one of the most beautiful flower
  • 50、命运之绳定会握在自己手中。
  • 51、用心关注孩子,用心接纳孩子,用心体会孩子。
  • 52、教育人就是要形成人的性格。
