
  • 1、I struggle, so I'm happy。
  • 2、Not enough strength can not dare for the world first。
  • 3、Success comes from the thorough self-control and the will。
  • 4、Don't think made the sea, starts from a small river。
  • 5、The more successful we have, the more happy we are。
  • Don't be afraid, don't regret。
  • 6、Don't be afraid, don't regret。
  • 7、Look at me, come with me。
  • 8、Ideas, ideas, ideas, decisions。

  • 9、There is no desperate situation, only the desperate people。
  • 10、The setback is so cold, but Moscow does not believe in tears。
  • 11、Time is easy to make people lazy, lack of motivation, low efficiency。
  • 12、There is only one way to succeed, it is to prepare, prepare, and prepare for it。
  • 13、Love what you have。
  • 14、The world will give way to those who have goals and vision。
  • 15、The best way is to continue the development of business。
  • 16、The reasonable request is the training, the unreasonable request is the hone。
  • 17、Do not want to do three years later, just want to do now。
  • 18、Match word to deed is the beginning of success。

  • 19、There is no excuse。 Man, don't explain。
  • 20、Experience is a liability, learning is an asset。
  • 21、This moment nap, you will have a dream; but this moment study, you will interpret a dream。
  • 哪一个登上成功顶峰的人心中没有傲视群雄的霸气?
  • 22、哪一个登上成功顶峰的人心中没有傲视群雄的霸气?
  • 23、No one except you can make it。
  • 24、The only thing we have is today, the only thing we can grasp today is。
  • 25、Impatient eat hot Glutinous Rice Balls。
  • 26、Ideas, opinions, and practices。
  • 27、Time the study pain is temporary, has not learned the pain is life-long。
  • 28、To be angry is to punish yourself with others。

  • 29、Not without use, but not to use。
  • 30、A man of three points, three points to do things。
  • 31、To strive to be the best in life: to strive to be a pity。
  • 32、Life is not a dress rehearsal, every detail is a live broadcast。
  • 33、With the circle, as retreat webs。
  • 34、Look at the problem, and it's not a solution。
  • 35、Don't complain about unfair, it is not enough to try。
  • 36、Cherish today, tomorrow will be rich。
  • 37、To do what you fear, afraid of nature will disappear。
  • Dare to dream, dare to dream, the world always makes way for the dreamer。

    38、Dare to dream, dare to dream, the world always makes way for the dreamer。

  • 39、Our spirit is more important than personal prestige。
  • 40、Learn from everyone, but don't copy anyone。
  • 41、In order to learn to be a lifelong force, to climb the noble in the youth。
  • 42、Use the inner potential, you're the lucky person。
  • 43、Nest is small, the collapse of a thousand miles。
  • 44、Diligence, opportunity, optimism is the three element of success。
  • 45、Life to precipitation, have anyone, a person will force enough impetuous。
  • 46、The size of the joy of life depends on the extent to which we care about our lives。
  • 47、Learning is not necessarily successful, not learning must not succeed。
  • 48、Difficulty is opportunity。

  • 49、How to lead。
  • 50、Today does not walk, will not have to keep up with the。
  • 51、Don't ask the harvest, just ask the hard work。
  • 52、Positive thinking positive life, negative thinking negative life。
  • 53、A belief is not necessarily successful, no belief will fail。
  • Suffering, is always the cornerstone of growth。
  • 54、Suffering, is always the cornerstone of growth。
  • 55、Birds need to nest, spider need to network, people need to friendship。
  • 56、Most of the time, you win, you win。
  • 57、Learn to wait and learn to persevere, to succeed is a step-by-step process。
  • 58、God will reward Le, social commitment。

  • 59、Opportunity has a special affinity for the prepared mind。
  • 60、To change the destiny, first to change their own。
  • 61、You waste your time, you are ready to beat your opponent。
  • 62、Honesty is the world passes, the promise is the touchstone of integrity。
  • 63、Which one achieved the pinnacle of success is not the hearts of people chasing the domineering?