
  • 1、I can be a personal enjoyment, can also be very good
  • 2、最怕拼命对我好的人一瞬间抽离然后再对我冷淡。
  • 3、Intermittent depression during an attack, strangers if you do not find acquaintances
  • 4、握住苍老,禁锢了时空,一下子到了地老天荒。

  • 5、After the break up can make friends, but no longer greet each other
  • If you were in the moment, would you reach out and hug me
  • 6、If you were in the moment, would you reach out and hug me
  • 7、我喜欢身无分文的感觉,它让我看清了所有人。
  • 8、从此以后,该走的走,该留的留,一切不强求。
  • 9、生活就像拉斯维加斯,进入的每个人都是赌徒。
  • 10、I am not so generous as you think, I can tolerate you falling in love with someone else
  • 11、自从遇到你,我的眼泪就不值钱了,不是吗。
  • 12、我要你陪我看星星,看到牙齿掉光光。
  • 13、我很喜欢一个人,但我没勇气告诉他。
  • 14、I want you to accompany me to see the stars, to see the teeth out of the light

  • 15、间歇性郁闷症发作期间,生人勿扰,熟人勿找。
  • 16、Afterlife this life, just want to stare at your smile, only this
  • 17、故事开始我们陌路相逢,结局最后我们背道而驰。
  • 18、白头偕老不就是染个头发,打掉几颗牙的问题。
  • 如果你在的时候,会不会伸手拥抱我。
  • 19、如果你在的时候,会不会伸手拥抱我。
  • 20、你不懂一直找话题跟你聊天的人有多么喜欢你。
  • 21、If you well is a sunny day, look at the weather here today, you should be hung up!
  • 22、有种疼,你不懂,我可以用微笑掩盖,用冷漠包装。
  • 23、Life is like Las Vegas, everyone is a gambler
  • 24、I am a good friend, you are my boyfriend's girlfriend

  • 25、You love him, with vigour and vitality most crazy, I love you, stumbled into despair
  • 26、女人请记住,上了床是一个男人对你的好的终点。
  • 27、You don't know how much you like to talk to you
  • 28、来世今生,只想凝望着你的笑脸,仅此而已。
  • 29、The caged, I pull the unfaithful to husband
  • 30、我是你好朋友,你却是我男朋友的女朋友。
  • 31、我没有你想的那么大度,可以容忍你爱上其他人。
  • I love a feeling, it let me see all the people
  • 32、I love a feeling, it let me see all the people
  • 33、The story begins we finally we draw further apart a casually met acquaintance
  • 34、我可以一个人自娱自乐,也可以过得很好。

  • 35、分手过后还能做朋友,只是不再相互问候。
  • 36、There is a kind of pain, you do not understand, I can use a smile to cover up, with indifference to the packaging
  • 37、The most afraid of trying to be good to me a moment to pull out of the moment and then to me cold
  • 38、高攀不起所谓的地久天长,等待不了所谓的地老天荒。
  • 39、你爱他,轰轰烈烈最疯狂,我爱你,跌跌撞撞到绝望。
  • 40、你若安好便是晴天,看今天这边的天气,你应该是挂了!
  • 41、看一场不痛不痒的电影,谈一场没有目的的爱情。
  • 42、From now on, the walk, the stay, everything is not demand
  • 43、Said of a couple is not hair dyed, destroyed several teeth problems
  • 44、I scribbled words, describe our bit by bit

    Woman, remember that the bed is a good man for you
  • 45、Woman, remember that the bed is a good man for you
  • 46、Hold the old, confined space, all of a sudden to The end of life
  • 47、Since I met you, my tears are not worth the money, is not it
  • 48、I really like a person, but I didn't have the courage to tell him
  • 49、Can not afford the so-called forever, waiting for the so-called The end of life
  • 50、我用潦草的文字,刻画着我们的点点滴滴。
  • 51、Watch a movie about a neither painful nor itching, not to love
  • 52、春色满园关不住,我拉红杏出墙来。