
  • 1、时间从零点开始,故事却无法在终点结束。
  • 2、我已经遍体鳞伤,请别再给逼我颓废堕落。
  • 3、假如凡事都失败,也许得爱恋先可以得胜。
  • 4、I got used to the life without you, even if it alone
  • 5、喜欢是一瞬间的心动,爱是千百年的守护。
  • Promise more, can't do, that also is just a lie
  • 6、Promise more, can't do, that also is just a lie
  • 7、Handsome men in the singles day, ugly people all in affection

  • 8、分手以后不做朋友,是因为曾经伤害过。
  • 9、时间能冲淡记忆,却不能使人忘记记忆。
  • 10、期待、等待、失败,人生就是那么纠结。
  • 11、我已经习惯了没有伱的日子、即使会孤单。
  • 12、I have already was black and blue all over, please don't force me decadent depravity
  • 13、承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过还是谎言。
  • 14、幸福不会降临那些不懂欣赏自己拥有的人。
  • 15、Don't wait for you to go far to find that have lost me
  • 16、走过那些是是非非,结果到底是喜是悲。
  • 17、Is called "the heart place seems to be painted countless knife

  • 18、Through the rest, the result is pleased is sad
  • Is one of the world is empty, empty, the heart is how to fill
  • 19、Is one of the world is empty, empty, the heart is how to fill
  • 20、Happiness doesn't come those who don't appreciate their own
  • 21、纸上写满你的名字,心里撑不下第二个人。
  • 22、Let the future arrival, let the past pass Be ensured
  • 23、到不了的就是永远,忘不了的就是曾经。
  • 24、After break up do not do the friend, because have been hurt
  • 25、感谢你离开我,让我再有放纵自己的理由。
  • 26、Often hard and eternal love, usually, there is no good results
  • 27、Did this glass of wine, we don't mention again once upon a time all

  • 28、他要去奔向他的新幸福,她却还在流浪。
  • 29、Love is a moment of heart, love is one thousand
  • 30、Time starts from zero, but not at the end of the end of story
  • 31、Who swear to me said the stick of lies
  • Fortunately, love is not everything, but everything is not love
  • 32、Fortunately, love is not everything, but everything is not love
  • 33、Can't get is forever, forget was once
  • 34、对于现在的我们,连一句问候都觉得奢侈。
  • 35、Afraid to imagine apart, it is without love or loathe to give up to leave
  • 36、害怕想象分开,是无爱还是舍不得离开。
  • 37、往往刻苦铭心的爱恋,通常,没有好结果。

  • 38、是世界空了还是心空了,怎么都填不满。
  • 39、是谁信誓旦旦的对莪说着不离不弃的谎言。
  • 40、不要等你走了很远,才发现已经弄丢了我。
  • 41、干了这一杯酒,我们再别提从前的所有。
  • 42、被称之为心脏的地方好像被画了无数刀。
  • 43、If all fails, it may be first love can prevail
  • 44、Thank you leave me, let me have indulgence of reason
  • 不停有意外的美丽,遇见但不是很完美。
  • 45、不停有意外的美丽,遇见但不是很完美。
  • 46、幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切都不是爱情。
  • 47、帅的人都在过光棍节,丑的人都在秀恩爱。

  • 48、让未来到来、让过去过去。做到谈何容易。
  • 49、Have the beauty of the accident, met but not perfect
  • 50、He is going to rush to his new happiness, but she is still in stray
  • 51、Time can dilute the memory, but they could not make people forget the memory
  • 52、Looking forward to, wait, failure, life is so entanglements
  • 53、Write on the paper with your name, the in the mind through the first two people
  • 54、For now we, even a greeting all feel luxury