
  • 1、聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。
  • 2、Those who do not read will stop thinking
  • 3、Learning is the eye of the mind

  • 4、Knowledge is spiritual food
  • 5、Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is perilous
  • 不读书的人,思想就会停止。
  • 6、不读书的人,思想就会停止。
  • 7、a little common sense is worth a lot of learning
  • 8、阳光照亮世界,知识照亮人生。
  • 9、知识可羡,胜于财富。
  • 10、信息不等同知识。
  • 11、Reading early, later regret
  • 12、Too much knowledge, but too little brain
  • 13、时间等于金钱,知识就是力量。

  • 14、真知,是知道自己一无所知。
  • 15、黄金的宝藏比不上知识的宝藏。
  • 16、人有知识,则有力矣。
  • 17、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。
  • 18、知识能使你增加一双眼睛。
  • 19、读书不趁早,后来徒悔懊。
  • 20、a knowledgeable person will gain the reputation of the world
  • 21、知识就是飞上天的羽翼。
  • 22、Knowledge is the medicine for fear
  • 23、Knowledge is the activity of the mind

  • 24、知识是万物中的指路明灯。
  • 25、Teachers lead in and learn art in themselves
  • The treasure of gold is not equal to the treasure of knowledge
  • 26、The treasure of gold is not equal to the treasure of knowledge
  • 27、Knowledge is love, light and imagination
  • 28、If a man has knowledge, he is powerful
  • 29、知识无底,学海无涯。
  • 30、a little more effort will lead to more success
  • 31、有知识的人会得到世人的美誉。
  • 32、without common sense, nothing can be done
  • 33、知识越多越令人陶醉。

  • 34、知识是心灵的活动。
  • 35、不怕读得少,只怕记不牢。
  • 36、Knowledge is the beacon of all things
  • 37、知识是精神食粮。
  • 38、知识是爱、光明和想象。
  • 39、Information is not the same as knowledge
  • 40、Knowledge can add a pair of eyes
  • 41、Knowledge is more admirable than wealth
  • 42、academic knowledge, climb the peak of science and technology
  • 43、Knowledge keeps one from slavery

  • 44、Time is money, knowledge is power
  • 45、少量的常识,当得大量的学问。
  • 人无常识,百事难成。
  • 46、人无常识,百事难成。
  • 47、where to fall, where to climb
  • 48、师傅领进门,学艺在自身。
  • 49、Sweat brings a good harvest and hard work leads to knowledge
  • 50、学科学知识,攀科技**。
  • 51、生活便是寻求新的知识。
  • 52、Sunshine illuminates the world, knowledge illuminates life
  • 53、The more knowledge, the more intoxicating it is

  • 54、Knowledge is boundless and learning is boundless
  • 55、Knowledge comes from our insight
  • 56、知识是智慧的火炬。
  • 57、Not afraid to read less, but afraid not to remember
  • 58、再多一点努力,就多一点成功。
  • 59、Life is the search for new knowledge
  • 60、all knowledge comes from experience
  • 61、To accumulate knowledge is better than to accumulate gold and silver
  • 62、所有知识源自经验。
  • 63、知识是治疗恐惧的药。

  • 64、Knowledge is the wings of the sky
  • 65、知识源自我们的洞察力。
  • Knowledge is the eye of the mind
  • 66、Knowledge is the eye of the mind
  • 67、知识是心灵的眼睛。
  • 68、知识越多,怀疑也会越多。
  • 69、运用一分知识,需要十分积累。
  • 70、Knowledge is the torch of wisdom
  • 71、Intelligence lies in diligence and genius in accumulation
  • 72、博观而约取,厚积而薄发。
  • 73、积累知识,胜于积累金银。

  • 74、汗水换来丰收,勤学取得知识。
  • 75、从哪里跌倒,从哪里爬起。
  • 76、True knowledge is knowing that you know nothing
  • 77、知识使人不被奴役。
  • 78、wide view and approximation, thick accumulation and thin hair
  • 79、学识太广反而憨头憨脑。
  • 80、The more knowledge, the more doubts
  • 81、It takes a lot of accumulation to apply one point of knowledge