
  • 1、其实,无论是基础知识,阅读还是写作,提高能力的根本途径都是课外阅读。
  • 2、The direction of the wind is determined by the tree, and the direction of man is determined by himself
  • 3、In fact, whether it is basic knowledge, reading or writing, the fundamental way to improve ability is extracurricular reading
  • 4、多个别辅导,少整体说教。
  • 5、与其说我做了一辈子教师,不如说我一辈子学做教师。
  • 没有一个孩子不想学习好,没有一个孩子不想有一个美好的未来。
  • 6、没有一个孩子不想学习好,没有一个孩子不想有一个美好的未来。
  • 7、教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业。

  • 8、Sometimes you feel desperate, but not giving up is the best way to deal with difficulties!
  • 9、Teachers are the most glorious profession under the sun
  • 10、No child wants to learn well, no child wants to have a good future
  • 11、先生之最大的快乐,是创造出值得自己崇拜的学生。
  • 12、Not so much as I have been a teacher all my life, but I have learned to be a teacher all my life
  • 13、人之过也,各于其党。观过,斯知仁矣。
  • 14、If you fail to learn, you are afraid of losing it
  • 15、风的方向是由树决定,人的方向是由自已决定。
  • 学如不及,犹恐失之。
  • 16、学如不及,犹恐失之。
  • 17、Man's faults are different from those of his party See, Si Zhiren

  • 18、More individual counseling, less overall preaching
  • 19、有的时候你会感到绝望,但不放弃是对付困难的最好办法!
  • 20、The greatest pleasure of a gentleman is to create students worthy of his worship