
  • 1、If words fail, men lose
  • 2、知已又知彼,将心来比心。
  • 3、Knowing the pine and the cypress in the cold years, we see friendship in adversity
  • 4、牛眼看人高,狗眼看人低。
  • 5、男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎。
  • Ten thousand words can not eat enough, a handful of water can quench thirst
  • 6、Ten thousand words can not eat enough, a handful of water can quench thirst
  • 7、Let the propriety be an inch
  • 8、Three different villages, five miles of different customs

  • 9、言多必失,人赌必输。
  • 10、老怕冬冷,少怕秋凉。
  • 11、莫说人家短,莫道自己长。
  • 12、五月初五过端阳,吃完粽子忙插秧。
  • 13、人补桂圆蜜枣,田补河泥水草。
  • 14、Fear of heights, fear of feet, fear of poverty, fear of ambition
  • 15、让礼一寸,得礼一尺。
  • 16、人多出韩信,智多出孔明。
  • 17、Do not say that others are short, do not say long
  • 18、Han Xin is more intelligent than Kongming

  • 19、君子报仇三年,小人报仇眼前。
  • 20、Time is like the flowing water of the East
  • 21、Early start waist, less fatigue a day
  • 22、岁寒知松柏,患难见交情。
  • 23、Tigers live a skin and live in one breath
  • 24、Men fear to go wrong, women are afraid to marry wrong Lang
  • 25、The chicken will not fly to the wall, but the stove will not build a wall
  • 26、鸡大飞不过墙,灶灰筑不成墙。
  • 27、Trees depend on others, and learn by themselves
  • 28、老骥伏枥,志在千里。

  • 29、A lazy man is often lazy when he is sick
  • 30、万句言语吃不饱,一捧流水能解渴。
  • 31、I ate a meal and ate Soup for ten times
  • I am afraid that it will be cold in winter
  • 32、I am afraid that it will be cold in winter
  • 33、Gentlemen revenge for three years, villains revenge
  • 34、Know your heart and know your heart
  • 35、不怕山高,就怕脚软;不怕人穷,就怕志短。
  • 36、People fill the longan jujube and fill the river with water and grass
  • 37、光阴好似东流水,只能流去不能回。
  • 38、It is better to walk ten paces than to take one step

  • 39、树靠人修,学靠自修。
  • 40、It is strange to have a hundred positive spirits
  • 41、虎活一张皮,人活一口气。
  • 42、一正压百邪,少见必多怪。
  • 43、Do not go away without saying anything
  • 44、路不要走绝,话不能说死。
  • 人勤病就懒,人懒病就勤。
  • 45、人勤病就懒,人懒病就勤。
  • 46、There is a long way to go
  • 47、三里不同乡,五里不同俗。
  • 48、In the early May, five duongyang, eating zongzi busy planting

  • 49、早起动动腰,一天少疲劳。
  • 50、A bull's eye sees a man's height, but a dog's eye is low
  • 51、一顿吃伤,十顿吃汤。
  • 52、宁走十步远,不走一步险。