6、园丁,崇高的称号,祝您桃李满天下,春晖遍四方。The gardener, lofty title, I wish you all the peaches and chunhui times square。
7、人非生而知之,孰能无惑?惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。Man is not inborn, which can not be puzzled? And confused without took it as a humbug, also all don't understand。
10、我会用您给的画笔,不断给自己添上一道亮丽的色彩!I will use you to brush, add a bright color for yourself。
11、在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。In our from childish to mature, from ignorance to civilization on the way, you use the torch of life, the way for us。
12、在过多地要求孩子的同时,也应该尽可能地尊重他们。In requiring children too much at the same time, also should respect them as much as possible。
13、三人行必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。Keep good men company how; Their good qualities and from, its shortcomings are to be no。
14、太阳下最光辉的职业是教师。Teacher is the most glorious career under the sun。
15、老师,您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。Teacher, you use the light of my life, light up my life journey。
26、在我的心目中,您是最严厉的父亲,又是最慈祥的妈妈;您是无名英雄,又是教坛名师。In my mind, you are the most strict father, and the most kind mother; You are unsung heroes, is the world famous。
28、圣明的教师给予学生的不是现成的知识宝殿,而是鼓励他们去做砌砖的工作,教他们建筑。Wise teachers give students not ready-made knowledge treasure house, instead of encouraging them to do the work of bricklaying, teach them。
30、圣明的教师给予学生的不是现成的知识宝殿,而是鼓励他们去做砌砖的工作,教他们建筑。Wise teachers give students not ready-made knowledge treasure house, instead of encouraging them to do the work of bricklaying, teach them。
32、我会用您给的画笔,不断给自己添上一道亮丽的色彩!I will use you to brush, add a bright color for yourself。
38、在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。In our from childish to mature, from ignorance to civilization on the way, you use the torch of life, the way for us。
39、在我们从幼稚走向成熟,从愚昧走向文明的路上,您用生命的火炬,为我们开道。In our from childish to mature, from ignorance to civilization on the way, you use the torch of life, the way for us。
40、当年的黑发,如今白几多,走过许多季节,不凋的是爱心的奉献。The black hair, white much nowadays, through many of the season, the depth of love we give。
42、老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!Teacher, you are the hope and happiness seeder。
45、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。Try to dead silk, ended。candles burn。