3、其身正,不令其行,其身不正,虽令不行。Its body is, don't make the adults, the body is not straight, although has not。
4、您和风细雨般的话语,荡涤了我心灵上的尘泥;您浩荡东风般的叮咛,鼓起我前进的勇气。You and the wind drizzle of discourse and cleansed my heart of dust mud; You only one of dongfeng, summon up my courage to move forward。
6、老师,您用自己的生命之光,照亮了我人生的旅途。Teacher, you use the light of my life, light up my life journey。
22、圣明的教师给予学生的不是现成的知识宝殿,而是鼓励他们去做砌砖的工作,教他们建筑。Wise teachers give students not ready-made knowledge treasure house, instead of encouraging them to do the work of bricklaying, teach them。
23、当年的黑发,如今白几多,走过许多季节,不凋的是爱心的奉献。The black hair, white much nowadays, through many of the season, the depth of love we give。
27、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理学和教育学的人。A good teacher, is a man who understand the psychology and pedagogy。
30、教师的春风,日日沐我心。Teachers in the spring breeze, massage my heart day by day。
31、和蔼可亲的态度,永远是教师良好教态的注脚。Friendly attitude, always a teacher good itself。