
  • 1、Try it, you can win。
  • 2、The elite from all walks of life won the British Quebec students realize one's ambition, learn skills together。
  • 3、Plum flower, the first joy in the sweat。
  • 4、For time is to strive for success, improve efficiency is to improve the score。
  • 5、Do not seek the difficult problems, first of all, the middle grade is good。

    Efforts will be able to succeed, to ensure that the victory。
  • 6、Efforts will be able to succeed, to ensure that the victory。
  • 7、苦尽甘来,十年寒窗苦读效三皇五帝逐群雄;师生同喜,一朝金榜题名成八斗奇才傲天下。
  • 8、The sun is new every day, and you are trying every day。
  • 9、Have passed the examination, the old man died and bursts of cold wind; concentric, heartwarming piece of news All sufferings have their reward。
  • 10、Try it, you can win。
  • 11、Efforts will be able to succeed, to ensure that the victory。
  • 12、Plum flower, the first joy in the sweat。
  • 13、The college entrance exam is a comprehensive examination than knowledge, ability, psychology, than confidence, than physical strength。
  • 14、Abandon Memorial luck, will take the thick integral seconds work be toughened and hardened into steel;, only set the Thames a great coup。
  • 15、有高水平的集体,才有高水平的个人。

  • 16、Confidence is the aggregation of endless wisdom。 Plain, is on the success of the inn。
  • 17、太阳每天都是新的,你是否每天都在努力。
  • 18、Homework examination, examination of the exam, will usually test when the college entrance examination, entrance examination as usual。
  • Has the knowledge to change destiny, has the ideal change manner。
  • 19、Has the knowledge to change destiny, has the ideal change manner。
  • 20、There is power without pressure, stress, and not anxiety。
  • 21、Today, studying hard, I must have; Ming exclusive first, who?
  • 22、Aim high, a scene of bustling activity is going to win the first race each other cherish high aspirations, full of youthful spirit。
  • 23、Homework examination, examination of the exam, will usually test when the college entrance examination, entrance examination as usual。
  • 24、Ningchengyigusheng, stroke as a force, ruthless one, is a dream。
  • 25、争分夺秒巧复习,勤学苦练创佳绩。

  • 26、Again hard, but also strong, only for those who look forward to。
  • 27、Spiritual adult, knowledge and talent, attitude。
  • 28、总想赢者必输,不怕输者必赢。
  • 29、The rain the sound of the wind, the sound of the object; family affairs world affairs, concerned about everything。
  • 30、Aim high, a scene of bustling activity is going to win the first race each other cherish high aspirations, full of youthful spirit。
  • 31、今日寒窗苦读,必定有我;明朝独占熬头,舍我其谁?
  • Hard for three years, happy life。
  • 32、Hard for three years, happy life。
  • 33、Plum flower, the first joy in the sweat。
  • 34、Hard for three years, happy life。
  • 35、Hard for three years, happy life。

  • 36、The challenges in life that I regret the choice, the college entrance examination is my pursuit。
  • 37、即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步。
  • 38、To work easily, the problem will become easier。
  • 39、Today, studying hard, I must have; Ming exclusive first, who?
  • 40、One month is sprint。 Idea that day, one day。
  • 41、Today more than a hard tomorrow, more than a few smiles。
  • 42、家中父母吃苦受累盼的是捷报频传,灯下学子沤心沥血想的是金板题名。
  • 43、读书改变命运,刻苦成就事业,态度决定一切。
  • 44、In the family the parents hardship involved hope that students want to light Triumphant news。, Ouxinlixue is gold plate。
  • Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。

    45、Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。

  • 46、Hard for three years, happy life。
  • 47、With aspirations to long unremitting self-improvement, social commitment with dream Fu ling。
  • 48、Today more than a hard tomorrow, more than a few smiles。
  • 49、再苦再难,也要坚强,只为那些期待的眼神。
  • 50、With aspirations to long unremitting self-improvement, social commitment with dream Fu ling。
  • 51、Did not dare to voice, fear of reading people。
  • 52、Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。
  • 53、The sun is new every day, and you are trying every day。
  • 54、There is no easy place in the world。