You high blood pressure, high blood fat, position is not high。 No speak, moment don't speak, prostate gland inflammation。 The poor performance is outstanding, outstanding performance, between the waist dish outstanding。

  • 1、俗话说人不可貌相,海水不可斗量,有些人虽然外表丑陋,却拥有美好的心灵,虽然身材矮小,却理想远大。大家都夸奖说你就是这样的人!
  • 2、亲爱的,我又开始想你了,我对你的爱每天都在巨增,因为有人告诉我:猪肉涨价了,你能卖个好价钱!

  • 3、男友对女友说:我会永远爱你的。女友疑惑的问男友:什么是永远?男友回答:永远就是死了还接着爱你。哈哈,愚人节快乐。
  • 4、Is used to lay eggs, chicken cow is living on dry, the cat went very seriously, sheep are barbecue in the future, a dog is a let a person to be used, you are waiting for ones。
  • 5、昨晚我梦见你,还送你回家,我们走到一栋漂亮的建筑物,你说到了,跑进去,我望着你的身影,还看见上面写着精神病院!
  • When you see this message, congratulations, you have 99 competitors from, you won the love, I want to come out to celebrate? Happy April fool's day!
  • 6、When you see this message, congratulations, you have 99 competitors from, you won the love, I want to come out to celebrate? Happy April fool's day!
  • 7、如果你长得难看请打110;如果你身材不好请打120;如果你脾气不好请打119;如果你觉得自己漂亮,请打我手机,详谈
  • 8、The Wolf to the pig nest in a mess, a mother pig arrangement: big pig plugging the door! Two pigs to plugging window! When he saw the pig, the pig mama LaiHuo, shout loudly: old three, don't look at SMS! You go out more than meat, the Wolf away。 Happy Apr
  • 9、狼来了猪窝里乱成一团,猪妈妈安排:大猪去堵门!二猪去堵窗!当看到小猪时,猪妈来火了,大叫:老三,不要看短信啦!你肉多,出去把狼引开。愚人节快乐!
  • 10、Her boyfriend said to his girlfriend, I will always love you。 Girlfriend puzzled asked her boyfriend: what is forever? Her boyfriend replied: "is dead and still love you forever。" Ha ha, happy April fool's day。
  • 11、鸡是用做下蛋的,牛是有活就干的,猫是挨家混饭的,羊是将来烤串的,狗是让人来惯的,你是等着出圈的。
  • 12、这条信息让你知道:我们的感情最深!让你知道我没有把你忘记!我最在乎的是你!多吃多睡,养的胖胖的,争取年前出栏,卖个好价钱!

  • 13、The thief stole a second time to shop when caught by the police。 The police asked: "don't you know to be caught?" The thief said: "I know it says" welcome to come again。 '"
  • 14、Notice: tomorrow above leadership inspection work, each colleague dressing, as required, please man: suit tie shorts slippers; Ms: swimsuit trousers for leather shoes!
  • 15、When you see this message, congratulations, you have 99 competitors from, you won the love, I want to come out to celebrate? Happy April fool's day!
  • 16、Is used to lay eggs, chicken cow is living on dry, the cat went very seriously, sheep are barbecue in the future, a dog is a let a person to be used, you are waiting for ones。
  • 17、小偷第二次来商店偷东西时被**抓住了。**问:你难道不知道要被抓住吗?小偷说:我知道上面写着欢迎再来’。
  • 18、亲爱的,我又开始想你了,我对你的爱每天都在巨增,因为有人告诉我:猪肉涨价了,你能卖个好价钱!
  • 19、The thief stole a second time to shop when caught by the police。 The police asked: "don't you know to be caught?" The thief said: "I know it says" welcome to come again。 '"
  • 俗话说人不可貌相,海水不可斗量,有些人虽然外表丑陋,却拥有美好的心灵,虽然身材矮小,却理想远大。大家都夸奖说你就是这样的人!
  • 20、俗话说人不可貌相,海水不可斗量,有些人虽然外表丑陋,却拥有美好的心灵,虽然身材矮小,却理想远大。大家都夸奖说你就是这样的人!
  • 21、This message to let you know: first, our deepest love! Second, let you know that I did not forget you! Third, I care about most is you! Fourth, eat more sleep, keep of fat, such for years ago, sell a good price!
  • 22、愚人节到,为您支招:自己被愚,尽管欢喜;观人被愚,笑而不语;若想更喜,把朋友愚。多愚多喜,快来参与。

  • 23、As the saying goes, all that glitters is not gold, the water cannot be measured, although some people looks ugly, but a good heart, although small, but lofty。 Everybody praised said - you are such a person!
  • 24、Last night I dreamed you and take you home, we went to a beautiful buildings, to you say, run into, I looked at your figure, also saw the words a mental hospital!
  • 25、当年同学中,把English读为应给利息的当了行长;读为硬改历史的成了**家。我读应该累死做了公司职员。你当年怎么读的?
  • 26、寻人启示:肥头大耳,目光呆滞;智商低下,无故走失;盯着手机,在看启示;看了启示,赶快消失!
  • 27、当你看到这条短信息,恭喜你,你已经从99个竞争者中脱颖而出,你赢得了我的爱,要出来庆祝一下吗?愚人节快乐!
  • 28、这两天真的太冷了,你一定要照顾好自己啊,千万别冻着啦俗话说:人冻腿,猪冻嘴。我已经把毛裤穿上了,你也赶紧买个口罩吧。
  • 29、亲爱的,我又开始想你了,我对你的爱每天都在巨增,因为有人告诉我:猪肉涨价了,你能卖个好价钱!
  • 30、当你看到这条短信息,恭喜你,你已经从99个竞争者中脱颖而出,你赢得了我的爱,要出来庆祝一下吗?愚人节快乐!
  • 31、一只漂亮的小猪屁颠屁颠的跑到你面前,用崇拜的眼光看着你,摇摇尾巴,甩甩**。对你唱了一首:长大后我就成了你!愚人节快乐!
  • 32、有两句话一直很想对你说,今天终于提起勇气:第一句,我爱你,我好喜欢你;第二句,千万不要把第一句当真哦!哈哈,记得开心呀!

  • 33、Dear of, I started missing you again, my love to you everyday at huge increase, because someone tell me: pork markup, you can sell a good price!
  • April fool's day, for your action: he was a fool, although joy; Man is a fool, smiling without a word; For more joy, the friends fool。 How foolish pleased, fast to participate。
  • 34、April fool's day, for your action: he was a fool, although joy; Man is a fool, smiling without a word; For more joy, the friends fool。 How foolish pleased, fast to participate。
  • 35、昨晚我梦见你,还送你回家,我们走到一栋漂亮的建筑物,你说到了,跑进去,我望着你的身影,还看见上面写着精神病院!
  • 36、当年同学中,把English读为应给利息的当了行长;读为硬改历史的成了**家。我读应该累死做了公司职员。你当年怎么读的?
  • 37、The classmates, read English for "should give interest" when the President; Read as "hard to change history" became a politician。 I read dead tired "should" do the company employees。 How do you read that?
  • 38、当你看到这条短信息,恭喜你,你已经从99个竞争者中脱颖而出,你赢得了我的爱,要出来庆祝一下吗?愚人节快乐!
  • 39、一只漂亮的小猪屁颠屁颠的跑到你面前,用崇拜的眼光看着你,摇摇尾巴,甩甩**。对你唱了一首:长大后我就成了你!愚人节快乐!
  • 40、Last night I dreamed you and take you home, we went to a beautiful buildings, to you say, run into, I looked at your figure, also saw the words a mental hospital!
  • 41、Love you ten thousand, exaggerated; Love you five thousand years, hopeless; Love you one thousand years, absurd; Love you one hundred years, is too long; Love yousuccessively in as long as my body health, this is my strengths! Happy April fool's day!
  • 42、当你看到这条短信息,恭喜你,你已经从99个竞争者中脱颖而出,你赢得了我的爱,要出来庆祝一下吗?愚人节快乐!

  • 43、Dear of, I started missing you again, my love to you everyday at huge increase, because someone tell me: pork markup, you can sell a good price!
  • 44、当年同学中,把English读为应给利息的当了行长;读为硬改历史的成了**家。我读应该累死做了公司职员。你当年怎么读的?
  • 45、昨晚我梦见你,还送你回家,我们走到一栋漂亮的建筑物,你说到了,跑进去,我望着你的身影,还看见上面写着精神病院!
  • 46、狼来了猪窝里乱成一团,猪妈妈安排:大猪去堵门!二猪去堵窗!当看到小猪时,猪妈来火了,大叫:老三,不要看短信啦!你肉多,出去把狼引开。愚人节快乐!
  • 47、男友对女友说:我会永远爱你的。女友疑惑的问男友:什么是永远?男友回答:永远就是死了还接着爱你。哈哈,愚人节快乐。
  • Love you ten thousand, exaggerated; Love you five thousand years, hopeless; Love you one thousand years, absurd; Love you one hundred years, is too long; Love yousuccessively in as long as my body health, this is my strengths! Happy April fool's day!
  • 48、Love you ten thousand, exaggerated; Love you five thousand years, hopeless; Love you one thousand years, absurd; Love you one hundred years, is too long; Love yousuccessively in as long as my body health, this is my strengths! Happy April fool's day!
  • 49、小偷第二次来商店偷东西时被**抓住了。**问:你难道不知道要被抓住吗?小偷说:我知道上面写着欢迎再来’。
  • 50、这条信息让你知道:我们的感情最深!让你知道我没有把你忘记!我最在乎的是你!多吃多睡,养的胖胖的,争取年前出栏,卖个好价钱!
  • 51、男友对女友说:我会永远爱你的。女友疑惑的问男友:什么是永远?男友回答:永远就是死了还接着爱你。哈哈,愚人节快乐。
  • 52、When you see this message, congratulations, you have 99 competitors from, you won the love, I want to come out to celebrate? Happy April fool's day!

  • 53、A beautiful pig fart dian fart, ran to the front of you, looking at you with adoring eyes, his tail, swing the ass。 Singing a song to you: after be brought up, I became you! Happy April fool's day!
  • 54、Her boyfriend said to his girlfriend, I will always love you。 Girlfriend puzzled asked her boyfriend: what is forever? Her boyfriend replied: "is dead and still love you forever。" Ha ha, happy April fool's day。
  • 55、爱你一万年,夸张;爱你五千年,无望;爱你一千年,荒唐;爱你一百年,太长;接连爱你70年,只要我身体健康,这是我的强项!愚人节快乐!