
  • 1、I love not love you one minute only 60 seconds。
  • 2、有故事的人,才会喜好哀痛的笔墨。
  • 3、能够就这样远远的看着你,我就觉得很幸福了。
  • 4、Hand in hand is the world's most sad action, because at the next moment, is bound to let go.
  • 5、It is not me, but because you deserve it.
  • 他们密码里都有爱的人,我的密码只有我。
  • 6、他们密码里都有爱的人,我的密码只有我。
  • 7、We are not sure whether some people are good or not。They can not be replaced,though。

  • 8、风轻微微的从脸颊边游走,不用抓紧也可以的得到的小幸福。
  • 9、有心才会累,无心者无所谓。
  • 10、So called happiness, is with you every day.
  • 11、Every boring hour in life is unique。
  • 12、月光依旧是清幽,只是多了一抹黯淡。
  • 13、有时候,音乐是陪我熬过那些夜晚的唯一朋友。
  • 14、I didn't cry because it is over, but suddenly learned to miss it。
  • 15、If we blame love to hurt us, then, the beginning of the time is not you nod promised to love.
  • 16、你越不在乎,你就越快乐。
  • 17、羡慕的不是风华正茂的情侣,而是搀扶到老的夫妻。

  • 18、若遇见别拆穿我的伪装,我一直在这里不曾远走。
  • 19、Alone a person cannot feel happiness。
  • Any false or deceptive, will cause her great harm.
  • 20、Any false or deceptive, will cause her great harm.
  • 21、You are my most adventure youth dream。
  • 22、When we are young, we all love, love so painful, so sad.
  • 23、断断续续、叙说曾经,曾经最美的回忆,回忆那是时你。
  • 24、You are a lily, exudes the fragrance gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind and I just want to see, stand on your side you, care for you with love to nourish you, let you open more beautiful because I only wish for your life gardener!
  • 25、Let go of the noise of the street, and find the picture of the pupil.
  • 26、Sometimes there is no way out exlep。
  • 27、所谓爱,就是当感觉、热情、浪漫统统拿掉之后,你仍然珍惜对方。

  • 28、永永远远,永无止境。
  • 29、我没有任何选择,只能等待你。
  • 30、Want to cry, tears are not falling persistent; laugh, mouth laugh pulling maximum radian.
  • 31、Male and female friends to indulge, drag more want to break up.
  • 32、Grace in the face of all, be neither humble nor pushy.
  • 33、I didn't cry because it is over, but suddenly learned to miss it。
  • No matter how much her mistake, she began to cry for a moment that I was wrong.
  • 34、No matter how much her mistake, she began to cry for a moment that I was wrong.
  • 35、在所有不幸中,最不幸的事是曾经幸福过。
  • 36、我会一直在,纵使爱变苍白。
  • 37、Bite my lip, trying to tell myself not to cry until her lips bitten, or cry out.

  • 38、时光流逝,不可复得。
  • 39、若遇见别拆穿我的伪装,我一直在这里不曾远走。
  • 40、在爱情的江湖里,没有人值得你哭,能够让你哭的人一定不是爱你的。爱情里的残酷就在于,我们未必用一辈子去爱一个人,但却用一辈子去忘记一个人。
  • 41、青春年少的时候,我们都爱过,爱的那么疼痛,那么忧伤。
  • 42、你是那一缕轻舞的微风,当你轻舞的微风拂过时,我紧锁的心窗为你而敞开,我心灵的铃铛为你而奏响。
  • 43、Huahuachangzi not too much, there will be no marriage crisis.
  • 44、When we are young, we all love, love so painful, so sad.
  • 45、如果我们责怪爱情伤害了我们,那请问,开始的时候是不是你点头答应爱情的来临。
  • 46、永远不要去想念你不曾拥有过的。不拥有就不想念,不想念了就不会难过。
  • 47、在生命中,再无聊的时光也是限量版。

    The old time, like yellow photos, in the title page of memory.
  • 48、The old time, like yellow photos, in the title page of memory.
  • 49、In the face of helpless life, can only smile to hide those sad.
  • 50、Don't let the man beautiful woman mouth; beautiful woman let the man eyes.
  • 51、Sorry, I do not love you。
  • 52、任何虚伪和欺骗,都会给她造成巨大的伤害。
  • 53、牵手是这个世界上最悲哀的动作,因为在下一刻,注定的是放手。
  • 54、Care will want, don't care don't even want to.
  • 55、Sadly, the mask with a long, even their own face have forgotten.
  • 56、今天你对我说着爱我,明天你对着她说没爱过我。
  • 57、Lingering hope not to wear, the fate of the reincarnation, the other side of my call, you may have heard.
