
  • 1、Your name is written on the paper, and the two one is in the heart.
  • 2、似乎你已经走进别人的风景,无奈我还在遥望星光的投影,埋葬纯真的时间仿佛还是昨天但却那么遥远。
  • 3、Life without creation is not a life, it can only be lived.
  • 4、Perhaps happiness, not just give up possession, into full is true happiness.
  • 5、幸运之神的降临,往往只是因为你多看了一眼,多想了一下,多走了一步。
  • Because of love is not enough, just a lot of excuses.
  • 6、Because of love is not enough, just a lot of excuses.
  • 7、Please make your own holiday. Let the other people go to work.
  • 8、嘿,内为男士,我怎麽还是这麽想你呢?

  • 9、给你面子你不要,你是有多不要脸,我说拿你当人的时候,你尽量走人道好吗?
  • 10、Don't give up your dreams even if the halo is no longer.
  • 11、I don't even have a picture of him. He only lives in my memory.
  • 12、The future of the United States is not beautiful, depends on you now do not spell.
  • 13、In addition to the seven fairies, who is falling in love with bondservants slave Dong Yong.
  • 14、Don't know him well, let you leave me for him regardless of personal danger.
  • 15、心微动奈何情己远,物也非,人也非,事事非,往日不可追。
  • 16、有钱千里来约会,没钱对面不认识。
  • 17、If the examination can be upgraded, I am afraid I am still a negative.
  • 18、Began to get used to a person, a person to walk, talk and live.

  • 19、我想做你的小太阳,要不温暖你,要不晒死你。
  • 20、男人和女人只有深入调查才能够彼此了解对方。
  • 双生花。双生花。任何一方死亡的时候,另一方也悄然腐烂。
  • 21、双生花。双生花。任何一方死亡的时候,另一方也悄然腐烂。
  • 22、看你这做鸡的样,那尼玛的真是绝了,劳资都忍不住想给你小费了。
  • 23、除了七仙女,谁又会爱上卖身为奴的董永。
  • 24、转身离开,分手说不出来,海鸟跟鱼相爱,只是一场意外
  • 25、有没有一双手握住了就不轻易放开。有没有一个肩膀,可以依靠一辈子都有安全感。有没有一场拥抱,紧紧的让两个人再也不分开。有木有?
  • 26、凡事欲其成功,必要付出代价:奋斗。
  • 27、一辈子就那么几个人真正的对我好,我死都不会忘。
  • 28、男人和女人只有深入调查才能够彼此了解对方。

  • 29、看你一天天在男人身边晃悠,谁爱瞅你给你扔根骨头了?
  • 30、王英三娘是一家,门前挂着你玛扎,嘴里唱着洗刷刷,大家上去一顿掐。
  • 31、Water not to tease people don't know how not to know the depth of things, the fight to win.
  • 32、Turned to leave, break up to say not to come out, the sea birds and fish love, just an accident
  • 33、真心爱你的人永远不会放你走,不管遇到多大的困境。
  • 34、你绝对是你妈亲生的,不然你妈怎么会养你这么个混账东西!
  • 35、不差七情六欲,只欠一心一意。
  • Life is better than good habits. A good habit, a lifetime ever.
  • 36、Life is better than good habits. A good habit, a lifetime ever.
  • 37、男儿不展风云志,空负天生八尺躯。
  • 38、Do not, for one defeat, forget the distance that you decided to achieve.

  • 39、Hearing you say good night, it belongs to me, the most simple and lasting happiness.
  • 40、嘿,内为男士,我怎麽还是这麽想你呢?
  • 41、A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how difficult it is.
  • 42、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有伤悲,人总有一段时间要学会自己长大。
  • 43、我不是冷血,也不是慢热,我只是害怕投入太多,离开的时候会很难过。
  • 44、Difficult to find, in front of your aunt way.
  • 45、No difference in the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, undivided attention.
  • 46、嘿,内为男士,我怎麽还是这麽想你呢?
  • 47、What is a happy life, that is, do not worry about waiting for the meeting!
  • 48、Miss you like a lizard's tail, even after being cut off, it will grow again!

  • 49、Work hard, only standing at the height of enough to be eligible to be looked at.
  • 50、奋斗这一件事是自有人类以来天天不息的。
  • 谁总是在床上玩手机,老是被手机砸到脸,还一个懊恼的表情。出来冒个泡。
  • 51、谁总是在床上玩手机,老是被手机砸到脸,还一个懊恼的表情。出来冒个泡。
  • 52、正因为爱得不够,才借口多多。
  • 53、What is happiness? Is to hide his sadness for everyone smile.
  • 54、凡事欲其成功,必要付出代价:奋斗。
  • 55、Can Xin bearing cattle, the footprint of the most clear.
  • 56、别人若是骂你,看p啊或者看毛啊!你可以回,看你呢!
  • 57、如果有一天,你走进我的心里,你会哭,因为里面全是你!如果有一天,我走进你的心里,我也会哭,因为那里没有我!
  • 58、离别时一定要像以往那样离开教室,关灯关窗,顺路买根冰棍,假装成还会再见的样子。

  • 59、Self control is the strongest instinct.
  • 60、看你一每天的装荏弱,看见你老娘立马就懂了什么叫小姐的身子丫鬟的命。