
  • 1、Female base is hypocritical, shizuo is full of affection.
  • 2、没有人败给了爱情,却是一次次地败给了自己!

  • 3、老天,你让夏天和冬天同房了吧?生出这鬼天气!
  • 4、老天,你让夏天和冬天同房了吧?生出这鬼天气!
  • 5、世界上最痛苦的事就是,从上课憋尿憋到下课老师还拖堂。
  • Money is like garbage in my hand, Nothing is right., but I use it to buy the most humble love.
  • 6、Money is like garbage in my hand, Nothing is right., but I use it to buy the most humble love.
  • 7、上学最开心的一句话就是:今天班主任不在。
  • 8、原以为自己挺恶的,认识了他才知道比我还善的人几乎不存在。
  • 9、学霸晒成绩,女神晒自拍,土豪晒有钱,模特晒身材,老子放假回家晒太阳!
  • 10、On the way to pick up one hundred money, very happy to ask a roommate to eat the whole family, and finally found that the money is lost.
  • 11、第三者的介入,才能检验出你的男人可靠不可靠。
  • 12、Don't say I'm fat, or I'll think you're jealous I'm better than you.

  • 13、把头扎高,把零食丢掉,把手机放下,把眼泪擦干,别折腾自己,姑娘你还有未来。
  • 14、总有那么一天,有一个人,会走进你的生活,让你明白,为什么你和其他人都没有结果。
  • 15、The rich are afraid of other people know that he has money, no money of people afraid of others know that he did not have money.
  • 16、God, you let the summer and winter building? Give birth to this kind of weather!
  • 17、下辈子我还找你,因为除了我,你是最傻的。
  • 18、记忆底层的、伤感和孤独,只是需要你来读懂。
  • 你说你活在自己的世界里谁也不爱,还是心里爱着一个人却始终无法向爱靠近。
  • 19、你说你活在自己的世界里谁也不爱,还是心里爱着一个人却始终无法向爱靠近。
  • 20、卖花的小姑娘拉着我,说道:大哥哥,买花吧,一看就知道你是花心的人。
  • 21、别撕开嘴的笑,在撕你都不会有酒窝。
  • 22、Do you know well? It's OK to play a video, when it's your home TV, one by one.

  • 23、First love infinite good, just hang up early.
  • 24、以后谁惹我,我就把百奇插进你的耳机口里然后再掰断。
  • 25、梦魇。梦中一切都是原样。现实一切都已变换了模样。
  • 26、对沵,何止一句喜欢,那是一生的依赖。
  • 27、视金钱如粪土,但所有的人都在争着做粪土收藏家。
  • 28、Thought and moral is not passed, better than not good.
  • 29、Remember when I was a little more than a word, I do not play with you.
  • 30、我是个冷性子,对于你我却热的不得了。
  • 31、路上捡到了一百块钱,很开心的请室友吃了全家桶,最后发现钱是自己掉的。
  • 如果你的离开会让我痛的话,那么我宁愿我从来没和你联系过。


  • 33、人世间最蛋疼的事儿,正在做美梦呢被尿憋醒。
  • 34、Money like dirt, but all the people are scrambling to do dirt collector.
  • 35、愚人节表白算什么,清明节表白才是王道,因为,如果失败了,你就说鬼附身了!
  • 36、如果不能美得惊人,那就丑得勾魂吧。
  • 37、No things don't look for me, something more don't need to find me.
  • 38、有钱的人怕别人知道他有钱,没钱的人怕别人知道他没钱。
  • 39、卖花的小姑娘拉着我,说道:大哥哥,买花吧,一看就知道你是花心的人。
  • 40、The world's most egg pain thing, is to do the dream is to wake up.
  • 41、把头扎高,把零食丢掉,把手机放下,把眼泪擦干,别折腾自己,姑娘你还有未来。
  • 42、A monk fetching water and drink, two monks carry water to drink, three monks have no water to drink, four monks landlords, the five monks can go to dress up as Fuwa.

  • 43、贱女就是矫情,贱男就是多情。
  • 44、What are you doing up so early? The nightclub is not open yet!
  • The girl is precious, our price is higher, if there is rich in two can throw.
  • 45、The girl is precious, our price is higher, if there is rich in two can throw.
  • 46、卖花的小姑娘拉着我,说道:大哥哥,买花吧,一看就知道你是花心的人。
  • 47、Money is like garbage in my hand, Nothing is right., but I use it to buy the most humble love.
  • 48、My mind is split, and I'm fine with me.
  • 49、我用尽一生一世来将你供养,只期盼你停住流转的目光。
  • 50、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过。而更难过的是,你还要装作不在乎。
  • 51、才发现爱与不爱只差一字,但会让我失去自己。
  • 52、等你老了我也走不动了,我会咧着嘴扯着皱纹告诉你,你看,我喜欢了你一辈子。
