
  • 1、呀!我不小心把我爱你误发给你了。如果你接受那就储存起来,如果你不接受,就把这三个字返发给我。
  • 2、钱在我的手里一无是处,就像垃圾,但我却用它买到了最卑微的爱情。
  • 3、曾经试着用微笑细数你给的伤,无奈最后泪却随微笑流出眼眶。

  • 4、记得小时候说得最多的一句话就是,我不跟你玩了。
  • 5、愚人节表白算什么,清明节表白才是王道,因为,如果失败了,你就说鬼附身了!
  • My mind is split, and I'm fine with me.
  • 6、My mind is split, and I'm fine with me.
  • 7、在埃及,一个男人可以娶四个老婆,那得多累啊,还是中国好。
  • 8、如果你的离开会让我痛的话,那么我宁愿我从来没和你联系过。
  • 9、The man is so lazy that nothing is left.
  • 10、视金钱如粪土,但所有的人都在争着做粪土收藏家。
  • 11、In fact in the world the most faithful is money and agreed to go out together, then it will not come back with me, in vain I Taoxin Tao lung to it!
  • 12、谁若对我使用美人计,我就会将计就计。
  • 13、Grow like that, don't act like a spoiled child, easy to have the pregnancy reaction.

  • 14、The streets so many people wear so dangerous, but so safe!
  • 15、你那副正经的样子,貌似真的听懂人话呐!
  • 16、If not beautiful, the ugly soul.
  • 17、In Egypt, a man can marry four wives, and that much more tired, or china.
  • 18、Remember when I was a little more than a word, I do not play with you.
  • 19、I am not the RMB, how can let everyone love me?
  • First love infinite good, just hang up early.
  • 20、First love infinite good, just hang up early.
  • 21、Female base is hypocritical, shizuo is full of affection.
  • 22、What kind of fool's Day confession, Tomb-sweeping Day confession is the kingly way, because if you fail, you say the ghost!
  • 23、一辈子只做了三件事:自欺、欺人、被人欺。

  • 24、Remember when I was a little more than a word, I do not play with you.
  • 25、钱在我的手里一无是处,就像垃圾,但我却用它买到了最卑微的爱情。
  • 26、现在我学会了顺其自然,不想再挽留什么,我相信该在的不会走。
  • 27、一辈子只做了三件事:自欺、欺人、被人欺。
  • 28、If I use the badger who will, I will.
  • 29、如果有一天,我无法继续呼吸,那只是说明,我的世界缺少了空气,或者,缺少了你。
  • 30、Don't tear the mouth smile, you will not have dimples in the tear.
  • 31、愚人节表白算什么,清明节表白才是王道,因为,如果失败了,你就说鬼附身了!
  • 32、如果不能美得惊人,那就丑得勾魂吧。
  • 33、世界上最痛苦的事就是,从上课憋尿憋到下课老师还拖堂。

    I was Sichuan rape, the only thing I can do now is to maximize the pose of!
  • 34、I was Sichuan rape, the only thing I can do now is to maximize the pose of!
  • 35、一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝,四个和尚斗地主,五个和尚可以去扮福娃了。
  • 36、那天刚睡着,收到一个短信:睡姿不对,重睡。
  • 37、如果不能美得惊人,那就丑得勾魂吧。
  • 38、Curve Wrecker Sun Goddess of achievement, self drying, nouveau riche in the rich, the model in figure, Lao Tzu holiday home in the sun!
  • 39、Waking is one thing, getting up is another.
  • 40、If one day, I can not continue to breathe, it is just that my world is missing the air, or, the lack of you.
  • 41、Indoorsman Indoorswoman standard: in bed with computer as the center, with long arms as the radius of taking goods activities.
  • 42、时间会让我放弃曾经,我的习惯已经不再是习惯。
  • 43、不能退縮,越退縮魔鬼越有機可乘。

  • 44、Money is like garbage in my hand, Nothing is right., but I use it to buy the most humble love.
  • 45、Lonely is a person's Carnival, carnival is a group of people alone!
  • 46、妳何時才能真正的放下,不再回憶令妳悲傷的過往。
  • 47、God, you let the summer and winter building? Give birth to this ghost weather!
  • 贱女就是矫情,贱男就是多情。
  • 48、贱女就是矫情,贱男就是多情。
  • 49、Great mercy to see yourself, see friends change radically.
  • 50、每个口中说减肥的女生,都有一张能吃的嘴。
  • 51、初恋无限好,只是挂得早。
  • 52、The thought that he was very evil, and know him better than I know that there is almost No.
  • 53、The most painful thing in the world is from class to class teacher Tuotang hold hold.

  • 54、A monk fetching water and drink, two monks carry water to drink, three monks have no water to drink, four monks landlords, the five monks can go to dress up as Fuwa.
  • 55、别说你不爱我了,因为你从来都没爱过我。
  • 56、My mind is split, and I'm fine with me.