
  • 1、You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she will become beautiful because you love.
  • 2、超越自己,向自己挑战,向弱项挑战,向懒惰挑战,向陋习挑战。
  • 3、爱情中的欢乐和痛苦是交替出现的。

  • 4、一个胆怯的问题总会得到一个自信的答复。
  • 5、Prosperity is not without many fears and disasters; Adversity is not without a lot of comfort and hope.
  • 爱情是女人的全部,却只是男人的调剂。
  • 6、爱情是女人的全部,却只是男人的调剂。
  • 7、不管我们踩什么样的高跷,没有自己的脚是不行的。布莱希特
  • 8、因为不易所以才理应愈加去顾惜,不要到取得的时分才懂得。
  • 9、Prosperity is not without many fears and disasters; Adversity is not without a lot of comfort and hope.
  • 10、题诗寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。
  • 11、一个胆怯的问题总会得到一个自信的答复。
  • 12、人必须要有耐心,特别是要有信心。居里夫人
  • 13、爱情的滋味复杂,绝对值得一试二尝三醉。

  • 14、人多不足以依赖,要生存只有靠自己。拿破仑
  • 15、一个人敢于暴露自己得弱点,代表他自信、强大。周正
  • 16、清理古代文化的发展过程,剔除其封建性的糟粕,吸收其民主性的精华,是发展民族新文化提高民族自信心的必要条件。毛泽东
  • 17、技能和信心加在一起便是一支无往而不胜的军队。欧洲
  • 18、赚钱是一种能力,花钱是一种水平,能力可以练,水平是轻易练不出来的。
  • 19、Learn skills is a little wisdom, learning life is great wisdom.
  • 20、信心比天才重要。希腊
  • Love the joy and pain is appear alternately.
  • 21、Love the joy and pain is appear alternately.
  • 22、超越自己,向自己挑战,向弱项挑战,向懒惰挑战,向陋习挑战。
  • 23、Beyond themselves, to challenge themselves, challenge the weaknesses, the challenge is lazy, challenge the bad habits.

  • 24、The taste of love complex, two and three drunk is definitely worth a try.
  • 25、相信就是强大。怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰却是力量。弗烈德利克·罗伯森
  • 26、Learn skills is a little wisdom, learning life is great wisdom.
  • 27、生活若剥去了理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。
  • 28、我们爱我们的民族,这是我们自信心的源泉。周恩来
  • 29、思想如钻子,必须集中在一点钻下去才有力量。
  • 30、If you really can have the mountain without edges, heaven and earth, only a must-jun and dare of that day of, I will love with you to the end of time.
  • 31、I love you, not because you is a how of person, but because of who I am when I am with you.
  • 32、I love you, not because you is a how of person, but because of who I am when I am with you.
  • 33、Learn skills is a little wisdom, learning life is great wisdom.

  • 34、No matter how, a man claiming to fall always is not worth to forgive, the more no one love, the more to love yourself.
  • 35、决心就是力量,信心就是成功。列夫·托尔斯泰
  • 天生我材必有用。李白
  • 36、天生我材必有用。李白
  • 37、Toward the goals in the heart of man, the whole world is on the way for him.
  • 38、那些尝试去做某事却失败的,比那些什么也不尝试去做成功的人,不知好上多少。路易·锤斯
  • 39、女人,恋爱的时候,就像,与世隔绝般。
  • 40、缺乏信心并不是因为出现了困难,而出现困难倒是因为缺乏信心。塞内加
  • 41、Love the joy and pain is appear alternately.
  • 42、Ideas such as drill, drill down must be focused on a point to have power.
  • 43、This is my last cigarette. This is my last last time miss you. Then, I'll quit smoking and quit you.

  • 44、朝着心中目标前进的人,整个世界都在为他让路。
  • 45、When the tears into the rain, at that moment, who can promise.
  • 46、Writing long youth, agitate the hearts of blood; Artificial light ink, feeling struggle of life.
  • 47、幸运并非没有许多的恐惧与烦恼;厄运也并非没有许多的安慰与希望。
  • 48、爱情中的欢乐和痛苦是交替出现的。
  • 49、Ideas such as drill, drill down must be focused on a point to have power.
  • 50、朝着心中目标前进的人,整个世界都在为他让路。
  • 我们应该有恒心,尤其是要有自信心,必须相信自己是有能力得,而且要不惜任何代价把这种能力发挥出来。博宾斯卡
  • 51、我们应该有恒心,尤其是要有自信心,必须相信自己是有能力得,而且要不惜任何代价把这种能力发挥出来。博宾斯卡
  • 52、地狱中最炽热的地方是为那些在伟大精神考验中保持中立的人准备的。但丁
  • 53、Sense to send you not not, mo negative youth from shame.

  • 54、没有自尊心的人,即近于自卑。莎士比亚
  • 55、Only love without marriage will easily burst like a bubble; Only the marriage without love would like the plain boiled water is easy to be tired.
  • 56、你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。
  • 57、我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
  • 58、Woman, in love, like, isolated.
  • 59、Toward the goals in the heart of man, the whole world is on the way for him.
  • 60、Beyond themselves, to challenge themselves, challenge the weaknesses, the challenge is lazy, challenge the bad habits.