
    1、First love is just a fool and nine curiosity.

  • 2、春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。
  • 3、Old love will never be forgotten, old love will never be forgotten.
  • 4、聪明人都是未婚的,结婚的人很难再聪明起来。
  • 5、我愿做你的嫁妆,请把我带在你身旁。
  • There is no such a man, for so many years, has been you deep in my heart the deepest, deep to forget yourself.
  • 6、There is no such a man, for so many years, has been you deep in my heart the deepest, deep to forget yourself.
  • 7、留得悲秋残影在,分付旗亭。王鹏运《浪淘沙》
  • 8、我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。
  • 9、I this life the biggest lucky is know you, and the largest misfortune is can't have you.
  • 10、凄凉别后两应同,最是不胜清怨月明中。
  • 11、爱情不是一种虚荣,要拿出来在众人面前炫耀;爱情不是一件美丽的衣裳,要穿在外面给大家欣赏;爱情不是一项任务,要对亲朋好友有个交待。

  • 12、Strength without love makes barbarism, love without power makes weakness.
  • 13、一只鸡蛋可以画无数次,一场爱情能吗。
  • 14、若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见。
  • 15、问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。李煜《虞美人》
  • 16、The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise.
  • 17、我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。
  • And after two should be the same, most are very clear in the blame on.
  • 18、And after two should be the same, most are very clear in the blame on.
  • 19、Love and wisdom cannot be both.
  • 20、Love is the salt of life.
  • 21、断送一生憔悴,只消几个黄昏。赵令峙《清平乐》

  • 22、No person deserves your tears, and who deserves them won't make you cry.
  • 23、春天没有花,人生没有爱,那还成个什么世界。
  • 24、Marriage is the most difficult love, because we must talk about it while eating bread!
  • 25、我有一个好朋友他叫没有人,没有人最喜欢我,没有人最爱我。
  • 26、我爱你,没撒谎,没夸张,没有一丝虚假,不带任何谎言。
  • 27、Everything is not terrible, afraid that we resist recall.friendship.
  • 28、不知魂已断,空有梦相随。除却天边月,没人知。
  • 29、Take love away, and our earth becomes a tomb.
  • 仰望布满星星的天空,眼角还残留一丝泪痕,内心是谁刻下了抹不去的伤痕。
  • 30、仰望布满星星的天空,眼角还残留一丝泪痕,内心是谁刻下了抹不去的伤痕。
  • 31、我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为我在你身边的时候我是谁。

  • 32、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。
  • 33、也应惊问:近来多少华发。辛弃疾《念奴娇》
  • 34、爱情的午夜时分都同正午一样明亮。
  • 35、我真的爱你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。
  • 36、有一天你能到我的心理去,你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲。
  • 37、Of course, there is such a person, is the life of an indelible mark.
  • 38、当爱情承载更多的希望,它也会幻灭得更快。
  • 39、When poverty comes in through the door, love slips through the window.
  • 40、Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
  • 41、不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

  • 42、我愿做你的嫁妆,请把我带在你身旁。
  • 43、One day you can go into my heart, you will see where all of you sad.
  • 44、Durian snow, leisurely feeling, what autumn, hope to break the Tianya people return.
  • 45、Some people's souls will be much richer than their material possessions because of freedom.
  • 46、我为你而生,你因我而存在。
  • 47、I this life the biggest lucky is know you, and the largest misfortune is can't have you.
  • 48、眼泪是女人的最原始的武器,也是男人惟一无法抵抗的最厉害的武器。
  • 49、Love you more than care about my beauty. I only have eyes for you: since I meet you, all the busy background.
  • 50、似乎等待了一百年,忽然明白,即使再见面,成熟的表演,不如不见。