And the gentle refusal, the composition always has the mockery

  • 1、风太带大你给的痛却吹不散。
  • 2、人生有时候,总是很讽刺。一转身可能就是一世。

  • 3、世间最美好的东西,莫过于有几个头脑和心地都很正直的严正的朋友。
  • 4、人在悲伤的时候,不管听多么欢快的曲子,都会止不住的流泪。
  • 5、吵完架,还能和你嬉皮笑脸重归于好的人,那才是真感情。
  • Because I know the end of the road there is always a bright smile Gu Xiaobei waiting for me, which makes me brave.
  • 6、Because I know the end of the road there is always a bright smile Gu Xiaobei waiting for me, which makes me brave.
  • 7、友谊,俄们咫能学会珍惜。
  • 8、The habit of using the false smile. To hide the sadness of the heart.
  • 9、命运,你残忍的诉说着我的悲痛。
  • 10、人在职场,成败得失皆自然。但很多人的悲剧在于:不是不知道要做什么;而是知道要做什么,却仍然没有做。记得别让明天的自己,讨厌今天的你!
  • 11、I feel that I can do it and can't do it. It's only between one thought.
  • 12、I feel that I can do it and can't do it. It's only between one thought.

  • 13、金秋十月丰收忙,朋友之情记心上,天气转凉多添衣,少碰烟酒身体棒。愿亲爱的朋友工作之余别忘记多多休息,祝你身体健康,我们的友谊可以地久天长!
  • 14、People in sad time, no matter how happy to listen to music, will stop the tears.
  • 15、比起天黑和鬼,我更怕你心酸皱眉。
  • 16、人和人之间,最痛心的事莫过于在你认为理应获得善意和友谊的地方,却遭受了烦扰和损害。
  • 17、Listen to what you say you are just playing for me, hiding in the corner of my heart, suddenly died.
  • 18、We shake hands firmly with both hands, let the feeling in the hands gently brushed, sharing an unforgettable warmth.
  • 19、分别时假装的微笑,是最后的告别曲。
  • Only with people in the same world together is the most secure, love if vanity and vexation of spirit, why to capture is bound to discrete the wind?
  • 20、Only with people in the same world together is the most secure, love if vanity and vexation of spirit, why to capture is bound to discrete the wind?
  • 21、因为我知道路的尽头总有笑容灿烂的顾小北在等我,这让我勇敢。
  • 22、Your world, I just traveler: my world, you are the protagonist.

  • 23、春日暖暖花香弥漫,丝丝情意心中蔓延;情深意浓化作缠绵,对你爱恋永不改变;天荒地老与你携手,幸福人生与你相伴。愿你知晓:对你深情永不变!
  • 24、我记得最初认识你的时候,那时候我并没有意识到有一天你对我会如此重要。
  • 25、友谊到底是什么东西呢?你只有付出关爱,付出真诚才能得到的东西。
  • 26、不回头,只是还没找到留下的理由。
  • 27、We don't have any choice, only run in opposite directions。
  • 28、有心才会累,无心者无所谓。
  • 29、抬头望着天空,我微笑的张开双手坦然面对未来。
  • 30、A person from that The imprint is engraved on my heart. memories, others have long been forgotten.
  • 31、人生像是一道算术题,加了几个对的人,减了几个错过的人,最后等到的是一辈子珍惜的人,朋友,周末快乐!
  • 32、Because I know the end of the road there is always a bright smile Gu Xiaobei waiting for me, which makes me brave.

  • 33、I never have it, but I enjoy it happily. That's optimism.
  • 如果牵了手,那么就不要轻易的放手。
  • 34、如果牵了手,那么就不要轻易的放手。
  • 35、如果是以前我会很生气,很生气,如今我只觉得寒心,连怪你的心都没有了。
  • 36、我给你,最后旳疼爱是手放开。
  • 37、谁曾在谁的花季里停留,温暖了想念。
  • 38、我想每一天都能看到你,看到你开心的笑,对我说,很爱很爱我。
  • 39、Don't look back, just haven't found leave your reasons。
  • 40、别说我高傲,我只是不与禽兽打交道。
  • 41、人在悲伤的时候,不管听多么欢快的曲子,都会止不住的流泪。
  • 42、Live with your heart and taste carefully. Every different post is wonderful.

  • 43、得不到友谊的人将是终身可怜的孤独者。没有友情的社会则只是一片繁华的沙漠。
  • 44、如果牵了手,那么就不要轻易的放手。
  • 45、我的感情世界里,亲情友情爱情,这个顺序,打死也不会改变。除了亲情外,我的心中,友谊高于一切,有时,我宁可不要卑微的爱情。
  • 46、If love is the representative of the happiness, that what is happiness。
  • 47、用心生活,细心品味,每个不同的岗位都是精彩的。
  • I miss you, but can't say to you, if, say, for you is a kind of torture.
  • 48、I miss you, but can't say to you, if, say, for you is a kind of torture.
  • 49、听着你对别人说你对我只是玩玩,躲在角落旁的我,心一下子死掉了。
  • 50、Live with your heart and taste carefully. Every different post is wonderful.
  • 51、两个人的指纹合成一颗心,看起来是一件很幸福的事。
  • 52、信是长丝线,常来常往欢乐多;情是礼仪车,穿行九州游江河;爱是文明歌,记载千秋荣史册;和是真善美,映红华夏好春色。

  • 53、I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards。
  • 54、偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。
  • 55、周末快乐又美好,可惜时光很短暂,无奈周一又来到,疲惫上班要起早,懒懒床,叫叫苦,最终还是逃不了。愿我的祝福能化作微风,吹散周一的疲乏和困倦,拥有一份轻松自在吧!
  • 56、自己不曾拥有,却快乐的欣赏别人的拥有,这才是乐观。