
  • 1、把食品藏在垃圾桶里,有人经过时抓出来吃。
  • 2、吻你的感觉青涩中带着淡淡的芳香,抚你的感觉平滑中带着柔柔的起伏,想你的感觉兴奋中带着甜甜的滋味,我真想现在就剥开你衣服。生柿子。
  • 3、Dear you really can't afford to, slept at 10 o 'clock, five meals bowl bottom, no one can than weight, gave the pigs, look at the messages happy April fool's day。
  • 4、春天,我会送你一个笑脸,让你辗转难眠,春天,我会送你一些小诗,让你浮想联翩,春天,我会送你一次心跳,让你愚人节过的比谁都快乐。

  • 5、你在我眼中最美:鹰钩鼻子蛤蟆嘴,老鼠眼睛罗圈腿,鼻子下面一张嘴,滴滴答答流口水。愚人节快乐!
  • 一大学生被敌人抓了,敌人把他绑在了电线杆上,然后问他:说,你是哪里的?不说就电死你!大学生回了敌人一句话,结果被电死了,他说:我是电大的!
  • 6、一大学生被敌人抓了,敌人把他绑在了电线杆上,然后问他:说,你是哪里的?不说就电死你!大学生回了敌人一句话,结果被电死了,他说:我是电大的!
  • 7、买些内衣,写上一个同事的名字,扔在办公室的洗手间地板上。
  • 8、初恋情人是全新版;旧情复燃是翻新版;婚前同居是试用版;新婚之夜是正版;金屋藏娇是珍藏版;爱上寡妇是修订版;勾引人妻是盗版。
  • 9、Say you idiot you know words, say you fool you know angry, say you stupid you know back to SMS, said the wood also know you think of your mobile phone! I wish you a happy April fool's day!
  • 10、Buy some underwear, write the name of a colleague, thrown on the floor of the office bathroom。
  • 11、一滴水在海洋中渺小,在沙漠中伟大;丹顶鹤在鹤群中渺小,在鸡群中伟大;你在人群中渺小,在猪圈伟大!
  • 12、On someone else's pen off oil, pen will not write a word。
  • 13、Make up a fake news, let different people with the same person said。
  • 14、In spring, I will send you a smiling face, tossing and turning to let you, in the spring, I will send you a little poem, let you to extrapolate, spring, I will send you a heart, let you ratio who all happy April fool's day。

  • 15、First love is new version; Is rekindling retrofit; Premarital cohabitation is trial version; Wedding night is genuine; Rib is a collector; Fall in love with a widow is a revised edition; Wife seduce people is piracy。
  • 16、春天,我会送你一个笑脸,让你辗转难眠,春天,我会送你一些小诗,让你浮想联翩,春天,我会送你一次心跳,让你愚人节过的比谁都快乐。
  • 17、在洗手间唯一的马桶前放一条裤子和一双鞋,看上去始终有人在用。
  • 18、在别人的笔尖上涂卸甲油,笔就会写不出字。
  • 19、From someone's office to take away something, and leave a blackmail letter。
  • 从前有一姑娘叫乔妮娜,她和一个叫沙德的相爱了,他们在一起看星星。当流星划过天空时,他们将这颗流星命名为:乔妮娜沙德星。祝您愚人节快乐!
  • 20、从前有一姑娘叫乔妮娜,她和一个叫沙德的相爱了,他们在一起看星星。当流星划过天空时,他们将这颗流星命名为:乔妮娜沙德星。祝您愚人节快乐!
  • 21、初恋情人是全新版;旧情复燃是翻新版;婚前同居是试用版;新婚之夜是正版;金屋藏娇是珍藏版;爱上寡妇是修订版;勾引人妻是盗版。
  • 22、Once upon a time there was a girl called Qiao Nina, she and the shad, a fall in love, they look at the stars together。 When the meteor across the sky, they will this meteor named: Qiao Nina ShaDeXing。 I wish you happy April fool's day!
  • 23、在洗手间唯一的马桶前放一条裤子和一双鞋,看上去始终有人在用。
  • 24、The only toilet in the bathroom before put on a pair of trousers and a pair of shoes, it seems that someone is always in use。

  • 25、说你白痴你还认识字,说你傻瓜你还知道生气,说你笨蛋你还知道回短信,说你木头你还知道看手机!祝你愚人节快乐!
  • 26、The only toilet in the bathroom before put on a pair of trousers and a pair of shoes, it seems that someone is always in use。
  • 27、一大学生被敌人抓了,敌人把他绑在了电线杆上,然后问他:说,你是哪里的?不说就电死你!大学生回了敌人一句话,结果被电死了,他说:我是电大的!
  • 28、Kiss you feel green with a hint of fragrance, with gentle ups and downs in the caresses you feel smooth, in think you feel excited with a sweet taste, I really want to remove your clothes now。 Persimmon。
  • 29、在洗手间唯一的马桶前放一条裤子和一双鞋,看上去始终有人在用。
  • 30、你在我眼中最美:鹰钩鼻子蛤蟆嘴,老鼠眼睛罗圈腿,鼻子下面一张嘴,滴滴答答流口水。愚人节快乐!
  • 31、在别人的笔尖上涂卸甲油,笔就会写不出字。
  • 32、从前有一姑娘叫乔妮娜,她和一个叫沙德的相爱了,他们在一起看星星。当流星划过天空时,他们将这颗流星命名为:乔妮娜沙德星。祝您愚人节快乐!
  • 33、Say you idiot you know words, say you fool you know angry, say you stupid you know back to SMS, said the wood also know you think of your mobile phone! I wish you a happy April fool's day!
  • From someone's office to take away something, and leave a blackmail letter。

    34、From someone's office to take away something, and leave a blackmail letter。

  • 35、一大学生被敌人抓了,敌人把他绑在了电线杆上,然后问他:说,你是哪里的?不说就电死你!大学生回了敌人一句话,结果被电死了,他说:我是电大的!
  • 36、Kiss you feel green with a hint of fragrance, with gentle ups and downs in the caresses you feel smooth, in think you feel excited with a sweet taste, I really want to remove your clothes now。 Persimmon。
  • 37、You are the most beautiful in my eyes, aquiline nose mouth, toad rat eyes round, a mouth, under the nose dripping - mouth water。 Happy April fool's day!
  • 38、Dear you really can't afford to, slept at 10 o 'clock, five meals bowl bottom, no one can than weight, gave the pigs, look at the messages happy April fool's day。
  • 39、一滴水在海洋中渺小,在沙漠中伟大;丹顶鹤在鹤群中渺小,在鸡群中伟大;你在人群中渺小,在猪圈伟大!
  • 40、从别人的办公室里拿走点什么,并留下一封勒索信。
  • 41、你在我眼中最美:鹰钩鼻子蛤蟆嘴,老鼠眼睛罗圈腿,鼻子下面一张嘴,滴滴答答流口水。愚人节快乐!
  • 42、Buy some underwear, write the name of a colleague, thrown on the floor of the office bathroom。
  • 43、A drop of water is infinitesimal in the ocean, great in the desert; Red-crowned cranes in a swoop small, great in the chickens; You are infinitesimal in the crowd, great in the pigsty!
  • 44、Stick on a magnet in the bottom of a cup, put it on the roof, drove around for a ride。

  • 45、Say you idiot you know words, say you fool you know angry, say you stupid you know back to SMS, said the wood also know you think of your mobile phone! I wish you a happy April fool's day!
  • 46、Kiss you feel green with a hint of fragrance, with gentle ups and downs in the caresses you feel smooth, in think you feel excited with a sweet taste, I really want to remove your clothes now。 Persimmon。
  • 47、Dear you really can't afford to, slept at 10 o 'clock, five meals bowl bottom, no one can than weight, gave the pigs, look at the messages happy April fool's day。
  • A drop of water is infinitesimal in the ocean, great in the desert; Red-crowned cranes in a swoop small, great in the chickens; You are infinitesimal in the crowd, great in the pigsty!
  • 48、A drop of water is infinitesimal in the ocean, great in the desert; Red-crowned cranes in a swoop small, great in the chickens; You are infinitesimal in the crowd, great in the pigsty!
  • 49、亲爱的你真不起,每天睡到十点起、餐餐五碗都见底,体重没人能比,送给看短信的那头猪,愚人节快乐。
  • 50、亲爱的你真不起,每天睡到十点起、餐餐五碗都见底,体重没人能比,送给看短信的那头猪,愚人节快乐。
  • 51、从别人的办公室里拿走点什么,并留下一封勒索信。
  • 52、From someone's office to take away something, and leave a blackmail letter。
  • 53、The only toilet in the bathroom before put on a pair of trousers and a pair of shoes, it seems that someone is always in use。
  • 54、在杯底粘上一块磁铁,放到车顶上,开着车四处兜风。

  • 55、说你白痴你还认识字,说你傻瓜你还知道生气,说你笨蛋你还知道回短信,说你木头你还知道看手机!祝你愚人节快乐!
  • 56、你在我眼中最美:鹰钩鼻子蛤蟆嘴,老鼠眼睛罗圈腿,鼻子下面一张嘴,滴滴答答流口水。愚人节快乐!