
  • 1、Say you idiot you know words, say you fool you know angry, say you stupid you know back to SMS, said the wood also know you think of your mobile phone! I wish you a happy April fool's day!
  • 2、多么好的一个网页啊,可惜被广告毁了。
  • 3、前几天发工资了,下班路上看见一乞丐可怜,随手给几块。晚饭过后去银行存钱,又遇见他,他存五千,我存一千。
  • 4、如果,今天天上掉下的所有馅饼都不幸砸中了你;如果,今天路上所有的狗屎不幸都被你踩到;那么,就让今年所有的好运都围绕着你走不开!祝愚人节快乐!
  • 5、你很帅,花见花开人见了人呆;你很牛,泡茶都用花生油;你很酷,一般节日不庆祝,愚人节大伙才把你祝福!我也赶忙凑个数,祝你是最快乐的愚兔!
  • 凤凰重生就是涅盘,野鸡重生就是尸变。
  • 6、凤凰重生就是涅盘,野鸡重生就是尸变。
  • 7、我最爱的人,愚人节那天一定要来骗我!

  • 8、Dear you really can't afford to, slept at 10 o 'clock, five meals bowl bottom, no one can than weight, gave the pigs, look at the messages happy April fool's day。
  • 9、他在你下身宣泄着寂寞,你却天真的以为那是爱情!
  • 10、你这人自小命苦:因为早熟,儿童节没赶上;因为早衰,青年节没赶上;因为早恋,光棍节没赶上;因为早婚,情人节没赶上。作为安慰,愚人节该让你过了!
  • 11、一个人恍然大悟叫发现,一群人恍然大悟叫受骗。
  • 12、狗乱叫算什么本事,咬到我才算你厉害。
  • 13、我做得不好的地方,你肯定心存怨意。此刻,机会来了,请你必须说出来,千万别憋在心里,让自我受罪。说出来吧,反正我也不会改的。愚人节欢乐!
  • 14、我比较想知道,愚人节没人表白,是不是大家都想和我表白的意思?
  • 15、吻你的感觉青涩中带着淡淡的芳香,抚你的感觉平滑中带着柔柔的起伏,想你的感觉兴奋中带着甜甜的滋味,我真想现在就剥开你衣服。生柿子。
  • 16、我这么可爱,你都察觉不到,我想,你可能是猪吧。
  • 17、愚人节不送花给我,那我就清明节送花给你!

    Kiss you feel green with a hint of fragrance, with gentle ups and downs in the caresses you feel smooth, in think you feel excited with a sweet taste, I really want to remove your clothes now。 Persimmon。
  • 18、Kiss you feel green with a hint of fragrance, with gentle ups and downs in the caresses you feel smooth, in think you feel excited with a sweet taste, I really want to remove your clothes now。 Persimmon。
  • 19、不要太在乎自己的长相,因为能力不会写在脸上。
  • 20、愚你一起,连接快乐。
  • 21、你这人很特别,从小到大爱过节。儿童节,青年节,一举迈入情人节,差点过上父亲节,经典节目愚人节,长期保留光棍节,祝你生活滋润,天天像过节!
  • 22、我真的太喜欢熬夜了,我觉得我上辈子就是个路灯。
  • 23、愚人节那天我说的不是玩笑,那是真心话,只有愚人节才敢说的真心话。
  • 24、你戴个红布兜,穿条叉叉裤,套双黄布鞋,上串下跳闹得欢。远看像是哪吒踩着风火轮在练磕头,仔细一看:偶的神啊,小狗还能打扮成非主流!
  • 25、你长得如此多娇,引无数瞎子竞折腰。
  • 26、情人节过不了不怕,再等等马上就可以过愚人节了。
  • 27、有一种福气,是傻人有傻福;有一种快乐,是难得糊涂;聪明人,太累,身体难免疲惫;精明人,太强,心情难以释放;爱情需要痴痴的爱,方可地久天长;事情需要傻傻的干,方可取得辉煌;愚人节到,傻气也是一种正能量,做个有福气的傻人吧!

  • 28、多么好的一个网页啊,可惜被广告毁了。
  • 29、娱乐有理,整人无罪。愚人节将至,为掀起整人新高潮,特邀你出席年度整人大典,角逐整蛊教主,胜出者将获金猪头一个,预祝你旗开得胜!
  • Once upon a time there was a girl called Qiao Nina, she and the shad, a fall in love, they look at the stars together。 When the meteor across the sky, they will this meteor named: Qiao Nina ShaDeXing。 I wish you happy April fool's day!
  • 30、Once upon a time there was a girl called Qiao Nina, she and the shad, a fall in love, they look at the stars together。 When the meteor across the sky, they will this meteor named: Qiao Nina ShaDeXing。 I wish you happy April fool's day!
  • 31、凤凰重生就是涅盘,野鸡重生就是尸变。
  • 32、怎么才能把脑子里的钱转到银行卡里,在线等,急!
  • 33、Kiss you feel green with a hint of fragrance, with gentle ups and downs in the caresses you feel smooth, in think you feel excited with a sweet taste, I really want to remove your clothes now。 Persimmon。
  • 34、Say you idiot you know words, say you fool you know angry, say you stupid you know back to SMS, said the wood also know you think of your mobile phone! I wish you a happy April fool's day!
  • 35、彩票中了五百万,业务提升为骨干;房子贷款已还完,睡醒一觉变貂禅。你美了吧?可是,忘记告诉你最重要的是:这一切只在愚人节才能实现!
  • 36、A college student was caught by the enemy, the enemy took him tied to the pole and then asked him, said, where are you? Don't say electricity dead you! College students back to the enemy in a word, the result was electricity dead, he said: I am a TV unive
  • 37、愚人节那天我说的不是玩笑,那是真心话,只有愚人节才敢说的真心话。

  • 38、今天是愚人节,其实也是一个美好的春日。
  • 39、人生就像杯水,孤独~孤独~孤独,一杯子就没了。
  • 40、有多少人在愚人节说了真话,就有多少人在情人节说了假话。
  • 41、愚人节不送花给我,那我就清明节送花给你!
  • 娱乐有理,整人无罪。愚人节将至,为掀起整人新高潮,特邀你出席年度整人大典,角逐整蛊教主,胜出者将获金猪头一个,预祝你旗开得胜!
  • 42、娱乐有理,整人无罪。愚人节将至,为掀起整人新高潮,特邀你出席年度整人大典,角逐整蛊教主,胜出者将获金猪头一个,预祝你旗开得胜!
  • 43、A college student was caught by the enemy, the enemy took him tied to the pole and then asked him, said, where are you? Don't say electricity dead you! College students back to the enemy in a word, the result was electricity dead, he said: I am a TV unive
  • 44、Dear you really can't afford to, slept at 10 o 'clock, five meals bowl bottom, no one can than weight, gave the pigs, look at the messages happy April fool's day。
  • 45、In spring, I will send you a smiling face, tossing and turning to let you, in the spring, I will send you a little poem, let you to extrapolate, spring, I will send you a heart, let you ratio who all happy April fool's day。
  • 46、娱乐有理,整人无罪。愚人节将至,为掀起整人新高潮,特邀你出席年度整人大典,角逐整蛊教主,胜出者将获金猪头一个,预祝你旗开得胜!
  • 47、富贵荣华竟在享受,贫穷富有竟在拼搏。

  • 48、今天搞活开放,规则甩到一旁。君子可以上梁,红杏可以出墙。老二心头嘹亮,小三入室登堂。兑现所有梦想,朋友骗你没商量。愚人节快乐!
  • 49、真想和你离开这俗世,去一个青山碧水的地方幽居。那里只有我和你,眼前是一片翠绿的草地。没事的时候我躺在草地上,温柔地看着你吃草!愚人节快乐!
  • 50、春天,我会送你一个笑脸,让你辗转难眠,春天,我会送你一些小诗,让你浮想联翩,春天,我会送你一次心跳,让你愚人节过的比谁都快乐。