
  • 1、不要让追求之舟停泊在幻想的港湾,而应扬起奋斗的风帆,驶向现实生活的大海。
  • 2、没有爱的教学,宛如无水池塘,终将群鲜枯竭。
  • 3、学习是一个苦乐交织的过程,有播种才会有收获。
  • 4、捧着一颗心,不带半根草去。
  • 5、不抛弃、不放弃,让每个孩子都站在爱的天平上。

  • 6、以心灵滋润心灵,以人格影响人格。
  • 7、Only don't indulge in other people's praise, constantly enrich himself, to reach a higher realm of life.
  • 8、没有爱的教学,宛如无水池塘,终将群鲜枯竭。
  • 9、Only education study of teacher, the students study.
  • 10、The real teacher, trying to prevent the bad habit of self and the student.
  • 11、为了点燃理想之火,那就只有学习学习。
  • 12、教师之为教,不在全盘授予,而在相机诱导。
  • 13、精神的浩瀚,想象的活跃,心灵的勤奋,就是天才。
  • 14、The real teacher, trying to prevent the bad habit of self and the student.
  • 15、Sprinkle sunshine to to every corner of the classroom.

  • 16、人生就像一场游戏,如果输了,就会被淘汰出局。
  • 17、教师的人格是教育的基石。
  • 18、教书育人是教师的天职,既有苦,也有乐。
  • In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but in the incentive sensei.
  • 19、In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but in the incentive sensei.
  • 20、山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。
  • 21、The real teacher, trying to prevent the bad habit of self and the student.
  • 22、教师的工作是教书育人,不光是传授学生知识,更要教学生怎样做人。
  • 23、青春须早为,岂能长少年。
  • 24、教师必须非常谨慎,必须对他的所作所为负完全责任。
  • 25、教师的工作是教书育人,不光是传授学生知识,更要教学生怎样做人。

  • 26、Teachers to teach, not fully granted, and induced the camera.
  • 27、走进孩子心灵深处,倾听他们肺腑之言,引领他们体验成功。
  • 28、教师必须非常谨慎,必须对他的所作所为负完全责任。
  • 29、教师的人格是教育的基石。
  • 30、Go into the hearts of children, listen to their words, lead them to experience success.
  • 31、为别人照亮道路,自我务必放出光茫。
  • Life is simple, to study hard, be honest, be sincere to people.
  • 32、Life is simple, to study hard, be honest, be sincere to people.
  • 33、Only education study of teacher, the students study.
  • 34、投入心灵才能闻到生命的醇香!
  • 35、不要让追求之舟停泊在幻想的港湾,而应扬起奋斗的风帆,驶向现实生活的大海。

  • 36、青春须早为,岂能长少年。
  • 37、好笋出好竹,好师出好徒。
  • 38、Go into the hearts of children, listen to their words, lead them to experience success.
  • 39、A child is a book, want to understand him, will have to walk into their souls.
  • 40、不要沉醉于别人的赞赏之中,只有不停地充实自己,才能达到人生更高境界。
  • 41、穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。
  • 42、勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人,认认真真做事。
  • 43、Teacher's job is teaching, it is not only to teach students knowledge, more to teach students how to be a man.
  • 44、人生就像一场游戏,如果输了,就会被淘汰出局。
  • 教师的工作是教书育人,不光是传授学生知识,更要教学生怎样做人。


  • 46、A child is a book, want to understand him, will have to walk into their souls.
  • 47、A child is a book, want to understand him, will have to walk into their souls.
  • 48、教书育人是教师的天职,既有苦,也有乐。
  • 49、教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励唤醒鼓舞。
  • 50、黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。
  • 51、投入心灵才能闻到生命的醇香!