
  • 1、总有那么一天,有一个人,会走进你的生活,让你明白,为什么你和其他人都没有结果。
  • 2、牵手唱因为爱情,那一刻我很幸福。
  • 3、谁若对我使用美人计,我就会将计就计。
  • 4、梦魇。梦中一切都是原样。现实一切都已变换了模样。

  • 5、我爱你不长,一分钟就六十秒而已。
  • 曾经只是一场骗局,他让我们都伤的很深。
  • 6、曾经只是一场骗局,他让我们都伤的很深。
  • 7、把头扎高,把零食丢掉,把手机放下,把眼泪擦干,别折腾自己,姑娘你还有未来。
  • 8、Don't say I'm fat, or I'll think you're jealous I'm better than you.
  • 9、老天,你让夏天和冬天同房了吧?生出这种鬼天气!
  • 10、大起大悲看清自己,大起大落看清朋友。
  • 11、哭不是勇敢不勇敢,它只是一种本能
  • 12、少女诚可贵,少妇价更高,若有富婆在,二者皆可抛。
  • 13、Money is like garbage in my hand, Nothing is right., but I use it to buy the most humble love.
  • 14、If not beautiful, the ugly soul.

  • 15、I was Sichuan rape, the only thing I can do now is to maximize the pose of!
  • 16、In fact in the world the most faithful is money and agreed to go out together, then it will not come back with me, in vain I Taoxin Tao lung to it!
  • 17、The most happy to go to school is: today the class teacher is not in.
  • 18、你强大,你就选自己爱的人,你不够强大,那就选爱自己的人。
  • 19、其实世界上最不忠心的就是钱,说好的一起出门,然后它就不跟我回来,枉我掏心掏肺对它!
  • 世界上最痛苦的事就是,从上课憋尿憋到下课老师还拖堂。
  • 20、世界上最痛苦的事就是,从上课憋尿憋到下课老师还拖堂。
  • 21、My mind is split, and I'm fine with me.
  • 22、Uncle, laugh when I remember Wu mouth Oh, be careful of your teeth.
  • 23、Next life I also look for you, because in addition to me, you are the most stupid.
  • 24、Uncle, laugh when I remember Wu mouth Oh, be careful of your teeth.

  • 25、糖吃太多会得糖尿病,喜欢你太过会累。
  • 26、Money is like garbage in my hand, Nothing is right., but I use it to buy the most humble love.
  • 27、孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单!
  • 28、这个人很懒,什么都没留下。
  • 29、不爱就不爱,不要舍不得离开,让这个错误的爱情早点结束。
  • 30、钱在我的手里一无是处,就像垃圾,但我却用它买到了最卑微的爱情。
  • 31、如果不能美得惊人,那就丑得勾魂吧。
  • 32、If I use the badger who will, I will.
  • 33、The day just fell asleep, received a message: the sleeping position, heavy sleep.
  • What kind of fool's Day confession, Tomb-sweeping Day confession is the kingly way, because if you fail, you say the ghost!

    34、What kind of fool's Day confession, Tomb-sweeping Day confession is the kingly way, because if you fail, you say the ghost!

  • 35、Lonely is a person's Carnival, carnival is a group of people alone!
  • 36、You're a real person, you really understand!
  • 37、打雷的时候,站在大树底下,对老天爷说,我也要穿越!
  • 38、别说你不爱我了,因为你从来都没爱过我。
  • 39、In fact in the world the most faithful is money and agreed to go out together, then it will not come back with me, in vain I Taoxin Tao lung to it!
  • 40、The girl is precious, our price is higher, if there is rich in two can throw.
  • 41、世界上最痛苦的事就是,从上课憋尿憋到下课老师还拖堂。
  • 42、孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单!
  • 43、记得小时候说得最多的一句话就是,我不跟你玩了。
  • 44、一辈子只做了三件事:自欺、欺人、被人欺。

  • 45、思想品德不及格,总比没思想好。
  • 46、If not beautiful, the ugly soul.
  • 47、我的精神分裂好了,我和我都很好。
  • 起那么早干嘛?夜总会还没开门呢!
  • 48、起那么早干嘛?夜总会还没开门呢!
  • 49、思想品德不及格,总比没思想好。
  • 50、The most happy to go to school is: today the class teacher is not in.
  • 51、The rich are afraid of other people know that he has money, no money of people afraid of others know that he did not have money.
  • 52、老天,你让夏天和冬天同房了吧?生出这种鬼天气!
  • 53、妳何時才能真正的放下,不再回憶令妳悲傷的過往。
  • 54、我正被川大强奸着,现在我唯一能做的就是最大限度地把姿势摆对!

  • 55、呀!我不小心把我爱你误发给你了。如果你接受那就储存起来,如果你不接受,就把这三个字返发给我。
  • 56、我的精神分裂好了,我和我都很好。
  • 57、我跟伍佰不熟,他弟弟二百五跟我很熟。
  • 58、A monk fetching water and drink, two monks carry water to drink, three monks have no water to drink, four monks landlords, the five monks can go to dress up as Fuwa.